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   I'm literally so tired I could collapse. I get out of bed and start getting ready for school. I didn't go to sleep til 6am because I had coffee and for some reason I can drink coffee in the day and it'll make me sleepy but as soon as I'm ready to go to sleep, BOOM wide awake. It's quiet irritating.

     It's currently 8:30. My first class is at 10am. I look in the mirror, I have dark eyes because the mascara I used. I pick out a long sleeve and loose guy jeans and tie the long sleeve into a little knot so it turns into a cropped top. I do all my morning necessities except no makeup, I'm too tired.
   I walk into school and sit down in homeroom. I immediately put my head on my desk slowly drifting to sleep. "Y/n" You look up  glaring to see who dare call your name while you try to sleep. It's your teacher. "Yes?" He laughs, "as much as I think you need to sleep, you gotta do some work." I let out a groan, "I'm already ahead in credits, a quick ten minute nap won't hurt it." I already had a whole bunch of work done that I could test on and turn in, but my brain is low functioning.

  He gave me a weary look, he sighs, "fine fine, but set your book open in front of you so it looks like you're reading closely to the pages." He says to me while giving a wink. I smile at him. "Thank you." I do what he says and lay my head down again. A few minutes later I feel someone rubbing my back. I wouldve been grateful, but it woke me from my sleep. I look up and see c/n. I glare.

  "Who woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." He laughs. I don't find it amusing and keep glaring. "I was trying to sleep c/n, I was only out for like 1 minute." I say while groaning. He furrows his eyebrow at me. "You've been asleep for an hour." My eyes widen and I look at my phone. He's right, it 11 am now. I look at my teacher who looks like he's holding back a laugh. "Why didn't you wake me yep after 15 minutes?!" He laughs. "You looked like you needed the sleep, plus you already gave me this months, and next months work." He simply says and continues doing something on his laptop. I groan and hit my head on the desk.

    "Do you wanna leave now?" C/n asks me. I look up and basically ask my teacher will, for permission. "Will you come back after lunch?" He has asks me. I nod my head. "I'm gonna test on a few units of work."

  He thinks, "Fine okay go go im tired of dealing with you- your hooligan ways anwyas ." I fake hurt. "Hooligan, I dare not be a hooligan of any sort." I start packing up my stuff. He fake cries into his hands. "How could you do this to me, my best student. Who use to be my favorite, but youre nothing to me now."

   I look at him sadly. "I'm sorry, but I have to do this." As he cries me and c/n speed walk out of class and as we leave we here.  "Nooooo!!" Followed by laughter. "You and Will should be in a play. Both very, theatrical." C/n says.
   I glare at him still upset. "You woke me up." He rolls his eyes and puts are hands together. Me and c/n have had a very tumultuous relationship. We've never dated but we still act like a couple. We are exclusive to each other. We don't date anybody else. We just never made it official.

   We go to the small park by our school, there a small clearing In the woods with a small tree house. Some people come here to smoke weed. Others come here to have sex. None the less, everyone has the same rule, clean up after yourself or you can no longer come. People pretty much stick to that rule. I go in and take a  towel out of my bad even though it's a relatively clean place. Nobody's here right now because everyone's in class, but people should start coming around lunch to be hooligans.

"So, why were you so tired

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"So, why were you so tired." C/n asks me. "I didn't sleep till 6 becuase I had coffee and you know coffee makes me stay up longer than usual." As I'm talking he's not really paying attention to what I'm saying and is just staring at my lips. He kisses them. And kisses them and kisses them. I push him back. "Okay okay calm down." He starts kissing me all over. My shoulder my back my neck. Just little pecks. "C/n what are you doing?" I say while laughing, the neck kisses tickle.

    "I wanna kiss you, you're cute." He lays me on my back and continues kissing me. "Okay stop no more stop." He keeps going knowing I like it a bit that he's all touchy feely with me. "I brought-," kiss, "my laptop-," kiss, "lets watch-," he kisses on the lips very passionately. I push him away starting to get annoyed. "Okay space homie I need space." He gives me puppy eyes. "I want you though." He whines.
    I laugh, "bubba, I'm not that cute." He grabs my cheeks smushing them together and then kisses my smushed lips.  "You're the cutest ever." He says. I take out my laptop and put it on my lap. He puts me in between his legs so my back is against his chest.

I open my laptop and go on Netflix. He starts kissing my neck. "Bubbbbbbaaaaaa." I drown out my pet name for him. He stops. I turn on croods. "I'm gonna go to sleep on you." I say.

He puts his around me and I tilt my head in a more comfortable position. He starts attacking my neck, but gently and softly.

   "Mmm That feels really good."
"Y/n?" I open my eyes and look up at c/n.
"I love you." He says to me. That's the first time he has said it. Before he can saying anything I pull his head down to my lips, and kiss him softly. "I love you too." I say. He smiles big and grabs you and starts kissing you all over again. But more so tickling me with kisses.

    The room is filled with our laughter and kisses, and the sound of croods playing in the background.

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