Pamper days 1- pg13

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    Getting home from a long day of being a teacher aid is sometimes the best thing that could happen. I'm trying to get my degree in teaching and there's  a program that helps you get it faster, only thing is I'm left to deal with the "bad kids".

   I kick off my shoes and head into the kitchen and see Mason isn't home yet. I hear little paws behind me. I turn around and see our Australian Shepard dog, max.

"Well hello little guy, how was your day? I hope it was better than mine." He barks in reply and I scratch his head before heading into the bathroom to take a bath. 

I go in there and turn the water on. I go to brush my teeth. The bags under my eyes are a little more evident than usual and my brown skin looks like it's been through hell. I wash my face and put a mask on, instantly feeling better. I turn off the water and get in the bubble filled bath, sinking myself into the warmth.

"Well don't you look cute." I open my eyes and see mason. I then roll them. "I know." I say smiling. "How was your day?" He asks me. I sign heavily, "let's not talk about my day." I put my sud covered leg on the side of the tub.

"How was your day?" I say while tilting my head. He eyes my leg then looks back at me. "I have a feeling it's about to get a whole lot better." He says more to himself than me. He comes and sits down on the toilet seat next to the tub.

  I shrug my shoulders than grab my loofah and start lightly scrubbing my arms, keeping my chest under the water. He hasn't said a word for the past 5 minutes, only staring at me as I swish the water back and forth. "Whatcha thinking about?" I ask him, not making eye contact with him.

"You." I smile at his words. "Well...what am I doing in that head of yours?" His eyes bore into mine, making me want to look away, yet at the same time my eyes stay in place. "Get out of the water." He says lowly. I pout, "But I barely just got in." He leans back on the toilet seat. He raises his eyebrows at me. I raise mine back.

"Wanna try again?" He asks me. I bite my lip like a child does when they are getting in trouble by their parent and try withhold their laugh. I take the plastic face mask off my face and put it on the side of the tub. Slowly rubbing the residue on my face and neck. He watches me as I do this, and the more time I take, I can tell he's getting more impatient. This becomes frank when he leans forward on the seat and when I instantly start moving to get up, he smirks.

He sits back and I slowly stand up, letting the soapy water slide down my body. I look around the bathroom, avoiding his gaze. I take a deep breathe, "can you hand me my towel please?" I say in a quiet voice. He grabs my towel and doesn't hand it to me.

"Step out of the tub." I refrain from rolling my eyes at his controlling ness. I step out of the tub, one foot at a time. Once I get out I stand in front of him. He looks down at me, his eyes not wandering anywhere but my face. He raps the towel slowly around me. "You need to stop teasing me." He says.

My brows furrow, "whatever do you mean sir?" I say back. He chuckles and looks up at the ceiling while shaking his head.

"Go lay on the bed." He says to me and looks back down. "And if I don't?" I say. He lets out a breathe. "Trust me when I say you're gonna want to lay on the bed." His eyes wonder down my body then back up again. "Okay." I say. I drop the towel and walk out, swaying my hips a little more.

I go into the bedroom and lay down on the bed like he said. I hear cabinets opening in the bathroom and I feel my heart rate pick up. He comes out with lotion and coconut oil. I start to sit up. "I didn't tell you to sit up. Lay down and stay that way." I do as he says.

It's quiet for a few seconds and then I feel hands on my legs. He starts putting the coconut oil mixed with lotion on my legs. It's something I always do after showering, it's part of my routine. I moan in satisfaction as his hand massage the lotion into my legs. "If you keep moaning like that, you'll get more than just lotion on your body."

I shut up instantly. He travels down my legs rubbing it on my feet then back up towards my stomach and boobs. He doesn't spend to long my boobs which makes me whine and causes him to laugh. Then he sits me up and does my arms and back.

He goes into one of his drawers, getting me his shirt instead of my own because he knows on days when it's stressed I rather where his clothing. He dresses me in his shirt, and goes back into the bathroom to put the stuff away.

"I wish you could do this all the time." I say to him as he comes out. He comes over and hugs me while kissing my head. "You're so beautiful." I hide my face in his shoulder. "Can you hand me my underwear from the drawer." I ask.
He looks me in the eye "You won't need it for what happens next."

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