Chapter 1

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"Kellin! Kellin hurry up!" My mom yelled at me as I pulled my bag down the stairs.

"I am coming, I am coming." I sighed.

"Bring your bag to the car the Fuentes's are here." My mom squealed in excitement.

My mom (Mary) and Vivian were friends since collage and my dad (mark) and Victor were friends since high school.

In the corner of my eye I saw their son, vic. I rolled my eyes. We used to be friends when we were younger, even though he was a year older then me. When I was in 4th grade,him in 5th he found my diary and read it, finding out I had a crush on him,plus that I am gay. I never heard the end of it since. "kellin!" my mom yelled once again. She snapped me out of my thoughts.

I pulled my bag behind me opening the door. "Kellin!" Vivian spotted me. she walked over to me giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I hugged back and smiled. "It's been so long since we last seen you." I smiled and chuckled a little. "it's only been a week,Vivian." she smiled "oh that's right." she saw me pulling my bag.

"Vic, honey!"


"Help kellin with the bags."


"No it's fine I can do it." she gave me a stern look. I knew she made her final decision.

"Don't worry kellin I'll take your bag." Vic said coming over to me with a grin on his face.

Vivian and Victor were already in a deep convocation with my parents. I kept walking to the car that we were taking, which happened to be my family's car. It was bigger and had a lot less miles on it. I was lost in my thoughts when vic slapped me on my butt.

"Hey!" I glared at him.

"Hey, kell. Looking better then ever today." he said with a wink. I rolled my eyes. Vic wasn't gay he was known at school for fucking over 10 girls in one weekend. Plus he has been the most popular kid since he was in 4th grade; so he definitely was not gay.

Victor is 17 turing 18. I am 16 Turing 17. My parents know I am not as popular as vic and so does vic's parents. They knew I got bullied and they made sure Vic always "looked after me". But he was the one who bullied me. I sighed.

"Ready to spend some alone time together?" he whispered in my ear.


Just as I was about to respond I heard my mom yell. "oh Vic! Sweetie!" she come over and hugged him.

"Hey, Mary" he hugged back kissing her check. She thinks he is a times.

"Hey mark." he said to my dad and shook his hand.

"Kellin honey get in the car, you two are sitting next to each other." My mom said point to Vic and I. I groaned so did he. I walked over to the car pulling the seat down to get to the back. Vic was behind me. But He just went and opened his big mouth.

"I bet your always on your knees like that. you have an ass of a girl. That's hot." I cringed at his comments. I got to my seat getting ready for a 8 hour drive. From Maine to the Hampton's. I looked over at Vic who kept poking me.

"Knock it off!" I snapped.8 hour car ride with him? Yay. He just smirked. My parents took over for the first part of the driving, so Vic's parents were in front of us. Vivian heard me yell at Vic.

She turned to us.

"Now Victor, leave poor kellin alone."

I saw the smile spill on to Vic's face.

"I am gonna set some rules for you boys." she said mostly directed at Vic. "You two will be sitting next to each other don't annoy each other or I won't hesitate to slap both of you." she said looking directly at Vic. I grinned knowing his parents were are on my side.

I put my headphones in and yawned. I will take this opportunity to sleep. I looked at my parents who were already in a deep conversion with Vivian and Victor about who knows what. I looked at Vic he was writing in his book. I smiled. But then realizing I will be spending my last week of summer with the guy who makes my life hell. Soon after I fell asleep, lost in my thoughts.


I know I know kellin nor vic live in Maine but it was the only place that really worked for the setting and what not. HOPE YOU LIKE THE NEW STORY! I'll update when I want (mainly weekends) I am looking forward but want to finish my other too main ones.

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