Pokemon Game Masters Corner

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Gardevoir left the hospital without uttering a single word

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Gardevoir left the hospital without uttering a single word. The faithful Ralts followed behind her. Their shadows looked lonely. Though Aviva disliked Gardevoir, the Psychic-type had saved her several times. Now, she could finally repay her debts by becoming a quiet listener.

Without talking, they ambled down the dark corridors. They walked past a gym and a kitchen before arriving at a door. An EXIT signboard hung above it. Using her psychic power, Gardevoir pressed the door handle down. Immediately a garden leaped into their vision.

She seems to know this place well, huh? Aviva thought.

Some sparrows were drinking on a three-tiered birdbath before returning to their nests. With a defeated sigh, Gardevoir sat on a nearby bench. The sun was gliding down a distant hill. Gardevoir kneaded the hems of her gown as her mind paced in between the past and the future.

In sixteen hours' time, she would be dueling with a competitor whom she had always dreamed of meeting again ever since their last encounter. She wanted to know the reason she failed to read his mind. She remembered the last time they met, a Pokemon had died. 

With creased brows, she took out a photograph and caressed it. "Would history repeat tomorrow?"

"Huh? What history?" Aviva couldn't refrain her curiosity anymore and ask.

Gardevoir spun her head around so abruptly that she could've dislocated it. Her pupils widened upon seeing Aviva. She was too immersed in her thoughts that she didn't realize Aviva had been sitting next to her for minutes. Angrily, she said, "How dare you eavesdrop--"

"Hey, first of all, it wasn't my fault that you didn't notice my presence. Secondly, I won't go as low as to eavesdrop someone's thoughts. I'm not interested in them at all. Plus I'm always the loud type. I'll ask directly, not eavesdrop. The Brass, remember?"

"Without The Brass, there won't be The Symphony." A small smile escaped Gardevoir's lips. Her frown loosened as she said, "It's funny, the way they pair up each contestant. We either get to fight the one we dread the most or the one we wish to defeat eagerly." 

"So, in what category does your opponent fall in?"

"Both." Gardevoir pondered before continuing, "I met him five years ago. We were assigned to complete a mission. There were seven of us. Four returned crippled. Two were psychologically hurt forever. One could never set feet on his homeland ever since. For five years, he blamed himself for our comrade's death. However reluctantly, he's destined to be a Chaos-Bringer. He's important, very important, but wherever he goes, ill fate will befall those around him."

Gardevoir shuddered at the thought. She turned her head away, unwilling to let Aviva witness her weakness. But Aviva could still get a glimpse of a tear escaping and fell with a splash on her sleeve, wetting it with a circle of darkness. Aviva was tongue-tied. 

She was very good at initiating an argument but she was clueless in comforting a lost soul.

When Gardevoir finally spoke, fear snapping sharply in her eyes. "Could Gloom survive the coming match? I cannot read any future involving him. I can't read his next moves. I-- I'm scared."

"Gloom is very powerful." Aviva grabbed Gardevoir's arms. 

Without them knowing it, they hugged each other. Apart from food, a hug seemed to be the best remedy in this situation. Gardevoir's trembling reduced and her sobs quietened. Afar, the last streak of orange had vanished. The sky had changed to a black fluffy nightdress. 

Suddenly, a stray owl flew past them, jolting them back to presence. 

A thought flashed across Gardevoir's mind. She pulled Aviva away as she exclaimed, "I've just realized a way to defeat him! After every nightfall, there will be a sunrise. It's as simple as that."

"Huh? Are you sure you're talking in my language again?"

"I've got to train Gloom now. If only it's strong enough."

Without asking Aviva to join, Gardevour leaped up the bench and sped into Salton Gym.

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