CHAPTER 4. The Woods

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  I entered the woods. It felt like I was finally able to open up and run around with no one to tell me other wise. I loved the trees. Climbing them, and jumping off after. It always made me feel so alive. I enjoyed the outdoors smell and how it's so unique.

  It was still bright outside and early. Fresh air, smell of wood, and so many things. 'Mom used to love the woods so much...'

  I look up again and look for a short branch to climb. Walking and walking, I finally found one easy for me to reach. Grabbing the branch I hoist my self up and kept climbing until I was high enough.

  I stood on the branch and peered down at the ground and looked back. I felt the wind it my face and my hair flowing behind me. For the first time, in a long time, I felt free of everything and everyone, no one to tell me anything.

  I wanted to just stay here, in the woods, forever without a care in the world. I leaped of the branch onto the one next to it, almost losing my balance but caught myself.

  Hours and hours, minutes and minutes, seconds and seconds, I was running around everywhere in the woods. Not keeping track of the time. I stopped to catch my breath and thinking on whether I should go home or not.

  'Hmm... I should go home... Grandma's probably worried...' I thought for a second, but quickly disagreeing. 'But if I do that then she might of got a call from school saying I left and ran... Maybe I should stay a little bit longer...'

  I agreed to stay. I continued my running around, jumping, and other crazy things I did.

  I stopped. I heard a sound behind, or at least very close by to where I am. It's getting closer and closer. My back stiffened and I was ready to run. Crunch. A stick had been stepped on and to me that was run and hide sign.

  Running as fast as my legs could carry I halted to a stop and leaned against a tree. Huffing and big breaths. I looked around on the other side of the tree, no one was there. I sat on the ground and letting my guard down to relax. A big mistake.

  I felt something touch my shoulder and when I looked up... I saw a faceless man, with a black suit and red tie, tentacles or at least I thought grabbed me quickly. I screamed as loud as I could but was stopped short,the black tentacle rapped around my mouth. I struggled to get out of his grasp, even trying to bite, scratch, and kick as hard as I could. It didn't work.

"Settle down child." A deep, bit soothing voice said. I looked around with my eyes to see who had said that. I saw no one. It spoke again. "I'll let go of your mouth if you promise not to scream." I looked at the faceless man again and this time I knew it was him who was talking. It surprised me and my eyes went big in curiosity. I nod my head as in saying 'Yes.'

  He let my mouth go. I took a deep breath and relaxed in his grip. "Who a-are you..?" I asked looking at him a little hint of fright on my face. "You may call me Slenderman, you are coming with me to be my newest proxie." This 'Slenderman' guy said. I looked up in confusion. "W-What do you mean?" I asked. "I can't go with you. Your a stranger and-and..!-" I was cut short. "Quite child, all will be answered eventually." He simply said and walked with me still rapped in his tentacle.

( Author's Note: Ending it there my Glitchers!! Chapter 5 will be here tomorrow..! )

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