Chapter 1

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       I sit here now, staring out into the empty sky, pondering thoughts just as empty. Nothing lies around me except for miles of endless sand dunes and the pitch night lacking moonlight, not allowing me to see my own hands. I do not know where I am or where I am going, but I do however know that I know nothing. Probably sounds like I have amnesia, but sorry, no. My story is not as great as that sadly. I am solely a mere fourteen-year-old girl with wolf ears and tail who can transform into what I call pterolykos, a giant wolf beast with bronze fur and enormous golden wings that, yes, I can fly with. But personally, I prefer to disguise myself as a little brown puppy that little children feed sugar cubes. I shift my salt-stiff tail and hear the grainy sand shuffle beneath it, while flicking my ears to shoo the pesky sand fleas away whom are my only company in this barren abyss.

            Readjusting my torn shirt and worn out hoodie, I stretch out my aching legs confined in annoyingly hot jeans. God, why did I have to choose this outfit to get lost in? I sighed, licking my cracked lips and dry throat in attempt to quench my thirst. Instead, my stomach grumbles once again in response. Along with the other things I do not know, I also did not happen to know when was the last time I ate – or drank – and am now feeling the effects of nausea and exhaustion. I think this has been about the fifth day without any water, and no food since, well, since I left. I know deep inside me that I do not have that much longer to live.

            Leaning back, I half slid, half collapsed onto the sand. I couldn’t be bothered to brush the sand out of my golden hair or face. But I exhaustedly rubbed the grains that fell into my silver eyes, and when I moved my hand away, I saw the stars. The stars. I found myself humming a melancholic tune filled with everlasting nostalgia as I gazed at those specks of lights. And then, I spotted it amongst the glowing lights of hearts. It was Lyra. The tiny constellation seemed puny compared to the other brighter, stronger stars, but to my eyes, it was all I could see. Teardrops pooled around, blurring my eyesight of the stars, yet opening up another new image. Rather old image though, as I could alas see them again. They are here. Laughter, chatter, yelling, crying, and a soft hum of the same melody play in the distance. Fuzzy faces turned to me with their gleaming smiles, welcoming me. The pumpkin orange sunsets, the vivid red fields, and the snowy evenings filled with daydreams of bliss all swirled together. I remember them. How could I forget?

            The symbol, the paintings, the smells, the stars, the moon, the forest and battles, and the song. Do you remember? Do you remember your word that you gave to me? Do you remember? Do you remember the day when you…?

            Yes, I do remember. I closed my eyes and took it all in. Their welcoming smiles, the watchful eyes, peculiar grins, adorable winks, and warm hands that brought me love, confusion, happiness, despair, and revelation. I let them take over my conscious, my heart, and my mind. If this is how my final moments of life are going to be, then I want to savor every moment of it. If I am going to die tonight, then let me die dreaming of them. So that I can see all of them one last time. And then, I fade away.

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