Chapter 14

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  • Dedicated to LosÆterna

LosÆterna plodded through the Forest of Dreams once more. We moved faster than ever before. There was only a few hours left. Lyra was leading the way; as the once guardian and protector of this forest, she knew the place where we were going as well as the butterfly wings on her back. This time though, we carried no weapons, and wore no combat outfits. Even Raz was not in a suit of armor. Sato and Yuki tagged along too, though the two of them were the worst of friends and best of enemies to each other. Not surprising, seeing as Sato is a noble swordsman with honor and formality, whereas Yuki is sly and the type to sneak up on you, or perhaps shoot you down without a single notice with his snipe.

            We walked past the old field of red spider lilies, and venture deeper into the thicket. I felt a pang of longing, seeing those flowers and recollecting our memories there, but I follow on without a sign of hesitation. A few minutes later, Lyra ceased walking and we gather around her to catch a view on what she was looking at. It was mythical. Almost like it was created from a fantasy fairytale.

            A gust of wind whips through, and the clouds above move to reveal the shining moon. Ahead of us was a vast expanse of flowers. Butterflies of all kinds fluttered about the lush meadow that glimmered with shimmering dew from the moon’s rays. In the midst of it all, was a huge pond, its surface still and clear. Growing from the pond was an ancient tree. Its trunk is thick enough for someone to live in. Outstretching into the navy horizon was a thick overgrowth of leaves, except the leaves glowed. So did the flowers and the butterflies and the pond. Everything glowed with luminance.

            For a second, I thought at last Ayakashi hadn’t made anything half-bad. Then I realized this wasn’t Ayakashi’s doing. It was the Forest of Dreams itself. And this time, no one asked or questioned about what this is. There was no need to.

            Kay laid down the picnic mat and smoothed it out on the grass before sitting down on it. Kami and Raz went to explore more parts of the enchanting meadow. Calli and Tsuki stargazed together, pointing out constellations or comets. Calli looked up and his eye caught mine, and he smiled and waved to me. I waved back. He’s changed so much, and I am glad. Sato nods in my direction and I return with a smile. He sits over on the mat besides Kay, chatting lively. Yuki materializes by my side. Not actually, but it appears that way, and he obviously knows it too, because he has a mischievous grin on his face. I jab my finger in his gut, and he topples over on the grass and I laugh.

            “Thank you,” I say after I’ve settled down. Yuki cocks his head to the side.

            “For what?” he asks.

            “For coming to save me from freezing to death.” It comes out like a mock, but I didn’t mean it to be.

            “Ah,” he says. His warm hands grasp mine. “I’m sure you would’ve been fine either way.”

            Now it’s my turn to look at him sideways. “What do you mean?”

            “I mean,” Yuki replies, “you have a light of warmth of your own.” He brings my hand up and kisses it gingerly. “That’s how I found you. I always kept my distance from people who venture into the forest, but you – I met you because I wanted to see that light of yours myself. That light that you give to everyone around you. And I am glad I did.” He leans in close, so much that I feel the moist breath on my ear. “I know your choice, Kiri. Everyone else knows as well. We’re all happy for you. Good luck okay? Take care of yourself. And come back to your home soon.” With that, Yuki leaves to climb up a tree and watch the view around him.

            I am stunned, but the sound of footsteps forces me back to stare right up into Frost’s green eyes. I can easily tell now that they are the exact color of the meadow before us. He offers me his hand, and says, “Come and see the flowers. They’re beautiful.” I take his hand and let him lead me through the garden of reds, yellows, and blues. They really were beautiful. Frost gives me a tour on each different type of flower.

            “Roses, Forget-Me-Nots, Spider Lilies and –”

             “Chrysanthemums,” I answer. White, red, orange, and yellow all blend together in this one delicately layered flower. The gold petals are as vivid as my own golden feathers. I could’ve stayed there forever, staring at their beauty, but Lyra called all of us over. It was almost time. Only a few minutes left.

            She wades in the reflecting pond right in front of the old tree without leaves or flowers. It appears to be dead for a long time, and looks like it could topple over at any moment. She turns around for a moment to face us, scanning all of us. Calli, Tsuki, Kami, Raz, Kay, Frost, Sato, Yuki, and me. Her eyes lock at mine, and she smiles widely. Placing her hand on the great ancient tree, she stood still with her eyes closed. When she opened it again, she took a bow towards the tree and stepped back.

            Immediately after, the ancient tree sprouted with life. It bloomed pink and red and white tiny, but entrancing flowers, with their petals soaring in the night breeze. Cherry blossoms and little beads of light filled the whole meadow in the lunar sky.

            Each of us had a different bundle of flowers in our hands – Lycoris radiata, vergissmennicht, chrysanthemums, or sakura flowers. The glowing butterflies glimmered among us, the flowers swaying with joy, and the reflecting pond displaying the great moon watching from the starry sky. The ancient tree continued to blossom, filling us aspiring feelings of a good tomorrow.

            Then, looking at all of us with each our own bundle of flowers – Red spider lilies, Forget-Me-Nots, Roses, Chrysanthemums, and Cherry blossoms – we threw them into the air all at once as we then watch the glowing flowers shower us from the sky with everything else all around us.

            “Happy New Year!” LosÆterna exclaims. Everyone joins around to celebrate one more great night that’ll never be forgotten. 

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