4; The Queen

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"I'll find a way to save you Nikita. Katherine and Natasha will definitely try to kill me if I don't."

"When you came for me, you knew I was in trouble." Nikita spoke to Thor as the two of them walked outside in the fresh air, outside of the palace that is Thor's home. After bringing Nikita back in from town, he suggested they walk around the palace.

"Heimdall had lost sight of you. You were no longer on Earth." Thor said as they stopped next to the water that flowed beneath the city, leaning against a higher up ledge.

"Well, how is that possible?" Nikita asked.

"I believe you were and you weren't." Thor said, which didn't help Nikita make any more sense of the situation at hand. "The Nine Realms travel within Yggdrasil. Orbiting Midgard much the way your planets orbit the sun. But every 5,000 years, the worlds align perfectly." Thor said, grabbing Nikita's hand to use as his example.

When he spoke of the world's aligning perfectly, he held their hands up together, each finger matching the other, but didn't intertwine their fingers. Not yet. "And we call this the Convergence." Thor explained. Nikita was feeling something stir inside of her at Thor's simple touch, and he kept his hand lightly hovering above hers.

"During this time, the borders between worlds become blurred. It's possible you found one of these points. We are lucky that it remained open." Thor said, glancing at their hands before looking back at her.

"Once the worlds pass out of alignment." Thor said, turning his hand while Nikita kept hers upright. "Then the connection is lost." Thor said. Nikita let her hand close around Thor's, while Thor also held her hand back as they kept their eyes on each other.

Thor started to lean closer to her, while Nikita leaned into him too and soon their lips met. For the first time in two years, and to Nikita, it felt like it was the first time kissing him all over again. Whatever stirred inside of Nikita when Thor touched her hand, was now into overdrive as they kissed. As soft as they were, Thor's kisses were also all consuming, because it has been one of the main things on her mind for the last two years.

"I like the way you explain things." Nikita whispered to him when they pulled away from their kiss. "Tell me the truth, what's going to happen to me? I know having the Aether inside of me along with the powers I already have can't be good for my bodily functions." She said.

"I'll find a way to save you Nikita. Katherine and Natasha will definitely try to kill me if I don't." Thor said, which made the girl laugh.

"Thor, but your father said there was. .-" Thor cut her off.

". .-My father doesn't know everything." Thor said. Nikita nodded her head, believing in Thor that he could find a way to save her, and she wanted to help if she could as well.

"Don't let him hear you say that." The pair heard a new voice and turned their heads to see Thor's mother, Frigga approaching them.

"Nikita Romanoff, plase meet Frigga, Queen of Asgard, and my mother." Thor said, as they turned away from the bench they were leaning against, but Thor still held Nikita's hands in hers. She didn't have her gloves on, seeing she didn't need them around Thor, but still had them with her. Nikita quickly pulled her hands out of Thor's, astonished to be in front of a Queen. She spoke nervously.


The prisons had gone up in a riot, while Thor went to handle it, the King and all of his guards were on their way down there too, leaving Nikita with Thor's mother. As Odin and the guards passed, Nikita noticed Sif walking with them. She remembered her from Earth, but the look she received was not very welcoming. As Nikita and Frigga walked away, the Queen leaned in close.

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