Symbolic Oneshot - The Wall's Ladder

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"I only got one dream so I would do everything, just to make it happen..."


At the start Dawn, I would look up to the walls surrounding every corner, hoping that the day would come and I will be able to reach them. I don't know how would I be able to do so, but, I want to see the world, without these walls. I want to see how the sun rises, sets and then rise again. I want to stand high above this walls. Stand high, and look at everyone with a smile. A smile that won't last just for a while.

"You can do it!" smiled the arisen sun.

Midday comes and here I am, sitting by the shade of a tree, listening to the birds' chirps and song of rhythmic melody emerging from their beaks. Fixing a gaze among the wooden sticks pilled together, an idea made itself appear right before my eyes. My gaze soon diverted to the walls and I can't help but let a smile lit up my lifeless lips.

"You can do it!" whispered the gentle breeze.

At the end of the day, sun bids farewell. Darkness began to devour the day, but my smile never sets like a sun in the bay. Amidst the hot rays of the midday sun, despite of exhaustion, I feel contented—It's done.

My wooden ladder is finally done.

I lean it over to the wall and took my first steps.

'Creak. Creak.'

I bit my lip. Is it still strong enough? I take another step.

'Creak. Creak.'

I hold on to the wall as a support. Should I continue? It seemed strong enough though.

'Creak. Creak. Creak. Creak.'

Ten more steps and I'll reach the top. Am I really able to do it?

'Creak. Creak.'

My knees began to wobble. Can it really bring me to the top?

'Creak. Creak. Crack!'

My eyes widen. It can't be-!


A half-hearted chuckle escaped my lips as I reach the ground. However, I didn't dare to get up. I layed still, lying on the ground, looking at the now orange dusky sky.

"You can do it!" reassured the leaving sun.

Nightfall ended the light's glory, darkness took place. Luna, with her scattered sparkling sons and daughters, swam upon the deep black ocean of nothingness.

"You can do it!" twinkled the Polaris.

I stood up and pulled my ladder to lay it down. Running back to grab some strings, replacing the broken stick by a more sturdy one. I fixed it, I tried it, I repaired it, I tried it, I did it over and over. Until such time that I'm contented enough with the deeds of my hands.

"You can do it!" hummed lovely Luna.

I put it on the wall, I secure it from posibilities to fall. I tied it with a string, I dug the ground to secure it's footing. Then I look up to the sky, smiled and heave a sigh.

'Creak. Creak.'

I smiled, it's better than the last time I checked.

"You can do it!" sang the evening gale.

'Creak. Creak. Creak. Creak.'

Few more steps and I'll reach the top. My wounded knees hurts but I decided to ignore it.

'Creak. Creak. Creak. Creak. Creak.'

I held on to the wall to support myself. I take another steps.

'Creak. Creak. Creak. Creak.'

"You can do it!" chirp the crickets.

I will do it! I can do it!

'Creak. Creak. Creak. Creak.'

I gasped...

Am I dreaming? No! I'm not just dreaming. It's true! Everything's real! I can't believe it! I actually reach the top!

Seeing everything as high as this, gives me such an so overwhelming feeling. The feeling fo satisfaction, happiness and fulfillment. I didn't even felt the pain of my wound in the ankle anymore. Same's through with my bruised arm, I didn't feel it's pain anymore. I have completely forgotten about it anymore.

All I can feel is gladness. The contentment, fullfilment and satisfaction of reaching your long time dream, it's feels so amazing. No words can describe it.

Success and fulfillment of dreams isn't an easy task. But through hardwork, sacrifices, perseverance, determination and courage, there's no way you wouldn't able to reach it.

Tales of Time (Oneshot Story Compilation)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon