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As she walks home, she still couldn't take a grasp of the events this afternoon.

The love of her life is in the same neighborhood and they met again.

She realized how much she fears the people, but one thing she found out also, is that her fear didn't attack during the time they met. Instead, she is more than happy to be with him. And that's quite weird since Barry is a stranger or maybe it's because her heart found comforts in him.

As she lays on her bed and replaying those events, she can't help but giggle about it.

Her phone suddenly vibrates.

Notification: Barry started following you (follow back)

Notification: Barry started following you (follow back)

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She drops her phone and it hit her face.

Ouch, that was painful! She held the phone and look at it again.

It's true Barry is following him now.


This is it, calm down my heart. Let's breathe and be calm.

Of course, she did follow back.

She saw the latest post and it's about the housewarming. She wonders the reaction of his mom was, knowing how he got lost in the neighborhood.

 She wonders the reaction of his mom was, knowing how he got lost in the neighborhood

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She can't help but smile about it.

She posted on Insta too, just for fun.

CH3 also posted an update regarding Yaya's new TV series

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CH3 also posted an update regarding Yaya's new TV series.

CH3 also posted an update regarding Yaya's new TV series

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Around 11 PM  her phone started vibrating again. When she looks at it, a DM from Barry.

**Correction: What makes you think Nadie? &&& I don't want to! I'll keep it that way

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**Correction: What makes you think Nadie? &&& I don't want to! I'll keep it that way...

Nadech immediately texts Yaya he wanted to make sure that she really gave him her real number

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Nadech immediately texts Yaya he wanted to make sure that she really gave him her real number.

Nadech immediately texts Yaya he wanted to make sure that she really gave him her real number

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That night she felt so contented and happy while falling asleep.

On the other hand, a man failed to sleep since his mind is conflicting with his feelings.



-So that's it for today!

-I hope you enjoy reading!

-Sorry about the edits if I'm not a pro, actually they're killing me but I love it so be it!  hahaha

-Next update will be on Sunday.

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