First Kiss- Trixya

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Trixie sat on her patio sunbathing with her friend, Kim.
"And how many dates has it been?" Kim asked.

"Dude, like 3. Tonight is #4."

"And she still hasn't kissed you?"

"Nope." Trixie rolled onto her stomach.


"What if she doesn't really like me?"

"I mean, I'm sure that she does, otherwise she wouldn't have gone out with you 3 previous times."

"True." Trixie shrugged.

Her phone rang.

Call from:


"Hey!" Trixie instantly lit up

"Well hello," said a Russian accent on the other side of the phone.

"What's up?"

"Oh nothing, just making sure we are still on for tonight."

"Absolutely." Trixie smiled.

"Alright well I'll pick you up at 7?"

"That sounds great. I'll see you then."

Trixie gave herself plenty of time to get ready. Tonight, she was going to kiss Katya. The doorbell rang. Trixie went down and saw Katya through the window. She looked amazing. Her red dress matched her red lipstick perfectly. Her blonde hair was down to her shoulders and wavy. Trixie was excited. Out the door she went. The date went well. They went to a movie, and then to dinner. Dinner was quiet, they sat in the corner on the same side of the booth. Katya had her hand on Trixie's knee. Trixie couldn't stop looking at her date.

"You really do look great, Trixie." Katya smiled.

"Thanks, you do too. Red is really your color."

"So, school has a dance coming up next weekend." Katya started, "I was wondering if you wanted to go...together..."

"Yeah, I'd like that a lot." Trixie smiled.

Katya's face kept getting closer to hers. Her heartrate quickened. She smiled. Was this it? Were they going to kiss? Yes! Their lips met and it was like electricity filled Trixie's body. It was magical.

"Wow." Trixie was smiling from ear to ear.

"My words exactly." Katya winked.

I struggled with this one lol.

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