Road Trip- Branjie

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They are boys in this.

"Are you ready, bitch?!" Vanjie yelled, "we need to get on the road! Momma's waitin!"

"Oh, no! You are not driving." Brooke Lynn yelled back, "I want to get to your mom's in one piece."

"Hey, I am a good driver!"

"Yeah and I'm a good actor." Brooke rolled his eyes.

"Fine, if you are drivin, then I'm choosing the music!" Vanjie hopped into the passenger seat, ""Club Vanjie is about to be OOOPENNNN! HEYYYY!"

Brooke Lynn shook his head. Vanjie was crazy, and he loved it.

"Vanjie, we have like 9 hours ahead of us."

"I know that. I hope you're ready. I don't have an off switch, boo. So, let's go, Mary!"

Brooke got in the driver's seat and started the car.

"You might be the DJ at Club Vanjie, but you're also in charge of the directions."

Well this might be a disaster, Brooke Lynn thought to herself.

Vanjie blasted music for the first 3 hours, until Brooke Lynn turned it down and said he had a headache, much to Vanjie's annoyance.

"Do you wanna switch?" Vanjie asked.

"Nah, I'm ok. Just can't handle the music right now." Brooke Lynn had her hand on Vanjie's leg.

To be honest, Brooke Lynn was kind of nervous. This trip was the first time he was meeting Vanjie's mom. Driving was taking his mind off it.

"Why are your hands clammy, boo?" Vanjie asked, breaking the silence.

"Uhm, it' in here?"

"Are you anxious?"

Brooke didn't answer

"Brooke Lynn? Are you nervous?" Vanjie repeated his question.


Vanjie intertwined his fingers with Brooke's"

"It's going to be ok. She's going to love you." Vanjie smiled, then the smile vanished, "Shit, you were supposed to take that exit. Shit, Mary. We are going to get lost."

Brooke laughed and rolled his eyes.

I know I switched pronouns a lot, sorry. Sorry it's short too. I developed a headache halfway through.

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