Wearing the other's clothes-Branjie

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Vanessa was at her locker when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her neck.

"Hey, doll." She said to the tall blonde figure behind her.

"Hey boo, you ready to walk to my place?"

"You didn't drive today? It's supposed to rain, Mary."

"Not until later, Vanj. We will be fine. Let's go, I need to stop by the library."

Hand in hand, they left school.

"How was your day, babe?" Brooke Lynn asked.

"It was alright. That little diva bitch Ra'jah was talkin shit though. I wanted to punch her in her dick sucker."


"What?" Vanessa said innocently, "You know I hate that hoe."

"Girl we are graduating in two weeks, don't you dare get kicked out for fighting."

"I am not going to do that. That would be silly. I said I wanted to, not that I did."

They arrived at the library.

"Vanj, stay out here, I'm going to run in really quick."

"Now why I gotta stay out here?" Vanessa asked, fake offended.

"Because you don't have an inside voice, mami." Brooke Lynn laughed and ran into the library.

Vanessa checked the weather on her phone. Still looked like rain was going to hit before they got home. Brooke Lynn seemed to take forever in the library, so Vanessa decided to do cartwheels in the front lawn.

"Bitch, what are you doing?"

"Entertaining myself, child. You took too long."

They continued the walk to Brooke Lynn's house. 2 blocks away, it's like the heavens broke open and rain started to pour down.

"'IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO RAIN UNTIL LATER, WE'LL BE FINE'" Vanessa yelled, mocking Brooke Lynn's words from early.

They ran the rest of the way but ended up drenched anyways.

"Well, shit, child. Now what am I going to do?" Vanessa yelled.
"What do you mean?"


Brooke Lynn just stood there laughing.

"TAKE ME HOME!" Vanessa yelled.

"Nah," Brooke Lynn walked over to her closet and came back with a hoodie and shorts, "here!"

"I can't wear your clothes, girl."

"There's a tie on the shorts, and the hoodie will be baggy, but it'll look cute. I'm not taking you home because I want to spend the evening with you. Put them on or go naked." Brooke Lynn shrugged.

"Oh, you wish, Mary."

Brooke Lynn thought that Vanessa looked so good in her clothes.

"You can keep those." Brooke Lynn winked.

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