The Fifth Date- Branjie

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Some people have sex on the first date. Some people wait until the third, or more. Some people wait until marriage, and some people live their whole lives without it. Brooke Lynn was the first type of person. She liked sex, and didnt see a point in waiting. It was a natural thing that people did. However, Vanessa was the opposite. She liked to wait usually around 5 dates before she hopped into bed with a woman.

Brooke Lynn and Vanessa met through some mutual friends. They instantly hit it off and their first date was amazing. Vanessa went to drop Brooke off and Brooke invited her inside where they partook in a nice makeout session. Brooke's hands traveled lower and lower every few kisses until she reached Vanessa's shirt hem.
"Get naked" she murmured into the smaller girls lips.
But vanessa pulled away.
"Brooke Lynn....I- I have a rule. 5 dates. No sex." Brooke looked like she was going to choke.
Vanessa explained herself though and luckily Brooke was understanding, and agreed to wait. She really liked Vanessa and if waiting was what she was comfortable with then Brooke would oblige.
It was getting more and more difficult for Vanessa to hold out though. Everytime she saw Brooke she wanted to rip her clothes off and kiss her all over her body. She couldn't help it, this girl is amazing.

For their fifth date, they met up with some friends for dinner. Not a typical date but they were counting it just like they were counting the minutes until they were alone.

They got back to Brooke Lynn's and they kissed the whole time they walked to the door, only parting so brooke could fumble with her keys and unlock the door.
"Hurry!" Vanessa whined, with her hand on her lovers ass.
Finally she got the door open and they both rushed through. Their lips met once again when the door was shut. They stood in the foyer, peeling clothes off the other. Brooke scooped Vanessa up and carried her up to her bed where she laid her down softly and then got on top of her, pinning the smaller girl down. Vanessa wiggled beneath the blonde while she went crazy, kissing and biting her neck.
"Will-you-quit-teasing-me-?" Vanessa said through her teeth. She bucked her hips up into Brooke.
"Say please." Brooke grinned slyly.
"Please please please oh please!" Vanessa whimpered.
Brooke kissed her way down to Vanessa's breasts, leaving little bites along the way. Beads of sweat started to appear on Brooke's skin. She brought one nipple into her mouth and then kissed along to the other one and did the same. Goosebumps rose on Vanessa's honey colored skin.
Brooke kissed down Vanessa's body until she reached the desired spot. She ran her tongue up and down Vanessa's folds, tasting the sweet taste of her lady's excitement. Vanessa continued to wiggle and whine while Brooke teased her.
Brooke decided to give her what she wanted and she slipped her tongue in to circle Vanessa's clit. Vanessa thought she was going to jump out of her skin at the contact of Brooke's tongue. She arched her back as Brooke's tongue pressed on the sensitive flesh. Brooke put her arm over Vanessa's lower abdomen to hold her lower body still. With her other hand, she slipped her middle two fingers into Vanessa, getting into a rhythm with her tongue and fingers.
Vanessa's legs started to shake and Brooke knew she was close. She withdrew her tongue and slid up the smaller girl's body.
"Brooke Lynn, I'm- I'm goi-" Vanessa panted.
"I know." Brooke Lynn said with a smile and she started to kiss and bite Vanessa's neck.
Next thing she knew, Vanessa's body tensed up and her moans got louder as her orgasm came over her body. She panted heavily, and her limbs were quivering as goosebumps covered her body.
Brooke withdrew her fingers and pulled Vanessa into a tight embrace, her skin slightly sticky with sweat.
"So worth the wait." Brooke smiled and kissed the top of Vanessa's head.
They stayed like that in silence for a short moment. Once Vanessa regained her senses, she tilted her head and kissed Brooke Lynn deeply.
"Your turn." She smiled and she pushed the blonde onto her back.

A/N: I've never written anything like this before...and by "this" I mean sex scenes. Soooo yeah.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2019 ⏰

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