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Nothing particularly exciting happened after the small kiss. It was merely out of the craving to remember what it felt like to be wanted by someone. A reminder of the true possible connection between two living souls.

Not much else happened after, we spoke about the past few months and went to sleep. Not together of course, Noah taking the couch as his new bedroom.

The moon was almost yellow, dim, yet mellow. Small streams of pale mustard light filtered into the penthouse, grazing the end of my toes and resting upon the crumpled linen sheets.

I lay awake, thinking about that nights events. How something she thought was so genuine disintegrated so quickly. Like panes of glass being shattered into a million different fragments in a matter of milliseconds, with no possible way of glueing them back together. Only to be swept away and destroyed forever.

I sat there listening to my heart beating, watching the shallow movement of my chest as my heart kept me alive. Seem I got bored of the silence so quiet you could hear the dust hit the floor.

I slipped out the bed and wakes across the smooth wooden floor to the living room where Noah lay asleep. His chest dipping with each small breath. I couldn't stand and watch him any longer, I felt guilty seeing him in such a peaceful and vulnerable state.

I dressed in the most comfy clothes I brought with me and headed to the lobby of the hotel. Once at the ground floor I stepped outside into the cool London air. Almost misty and grey, most people hate England because of its tragically depressing weather but I love it. Hence I'm always dying to come back at every chance I get.

I walked down the cobbled street, busy people rushing around and tourists waking up to start their day in the city they travelled so far to get a glimpse of.

At this point I knew London so well, it's my home after all. I was craving a sausage roll and I really didn't have a clue why. I strolled to the nearest GREGS that had just opened. The cashiers recognises me, not from my work but from my roots. They were friends from school, it's crazy to think we are all grown up now. Since the store was empty, Alex (the cashier) got us some coffee and a sausage roll each and sat at the table with me closest to the kitchen to keep us warm.

My phone started buzzing like crazy and I excused myself from Alex to check what my phone was freaking out about. It was Noah, he didn't know where I was and thought something had happened. Bless, he's so caring but I don't think I would've been kidnapped in the fragment of time he wasn't looking after me. I rang him to explain where I was and asked if he wanted anything.

Soon after a quick catch-up with Alex it was time to leave. Noah's steaming coffee and warm pastries in a small paper bad as well as a whole separate bag for me. I love pastry after all, I could cook a whole block and just eat it all, anything within it like cinnamon or sausage is a bonus.

I made my way back and opened the door to the room to find Noah day in front of the TV, I sat next to him, curled up, leaning slightly on him as we watched the latest on Netflix that didn't involve him.
We ate our breakfast peacefully, like we used to...

We finished soon and as I got up to grab a drink, Noah pulled me back down. I fell onto his lap facing him, a smirk across his face. I blushed and quickly got off racing to the kitchen as quickly as possible. I feel like a teenager, a forbidden love like Romeo and Juliet. Even though there's nothing bad about being with Noah. I can't put my finger on it but something about hims different and I like it. But I have to remind myself that people don't change.

I got up to get some water from the fully stocked drinks fridge and sat back down on the sofa next to Noah. He soon pulled me into him, my whole body leaning against his. His arm was wrapped strongly around me and I couldn't think of any way this moment could be ruined.

«Knock »

Noah sighs and he gets up to get the door, I lean around the pillar in the center of the room so I could see the door. I could see Ian's face in the doorway, begging for forgiveness. I scoffed and turned away before hearing some crashes and thuds, Ian yelling before the door slammed shut. Noah came jogging back attempting to bring the energy back into the room.

"I told him you didn't want to hear it and he came at me, I'm fine though. "

I sighed at the thought of Noah being hit by Ian, he hasn't done anything wrong.

We cuddled up for the rest of the day watching TV. Hopelessly binging Brooklyn 99 as if our lives depended on it. I missed London. I wish I could stay here forever but my entire career is over in the states...

And that's when it hit me.

Playing the part- Noah CentineoWhere stories live. Discover now