Give Me A Hero, I'll Write You A Tragedy

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The van was calm, Ruby was quietly humming a song to herself, Liam and Chubs were having a conversation that had a few laughs, and Octavia was telling one of her many stories to Zu.

This story, unlike most, was darker and longer than the others. This one was a story that she would tell in different parts. Everyday after lessons with Chubs, Zu would sit by Octavia and while she remembered where she left off.

"Their were exactly one hundred and one people on a drop ship to earth. Now, you see, ninety seven years ago a set nuclear bombs went off. Causing the world to become a radiated ball of death. Everything that step foot on it died. But that was nearly a hundred years ago. Now 100 convict teens and a singular man at the age of twenty three step foot on the planet."

This story, was one of Octavia's favorites. Not because it had a Character of the same name in it but because of how she could dive into this world with ease. She could hide herself in the characters problems to hide from her own.

"The Man, Bellamy Blake, decided that the teens needed a ruler, someone in charge. This didn't blow over with Clarke, our brilliant blonde Protagonist. She believed that they needed a fair, level headed leader. She came from a privileged background, her mother was head nurse and council member on the ark, her father head engineer. But it all came crashing down when her father was killed. The arks oxygen only had a few months left, he thought the people deserved to know, the chancellor disagreed. When he attempted to go against the chancellors back, he was found out and sent out into space."

Zu was always so engaged and lost in the story. She loved them so much, Octavia was a great story teller. Zu always pictured Octavia to be the hero in every story. Even if they didn't look the same or act the same.

"O, why do all your hero's have a tragic back story?" Chubs questioned.

"Bellamy was a very strong leader, smart to. But he seemed to think with his heart to much. He came down with the teens because he needed to protect his sister, Octavia. She was arrested because on the ark you are only allowed to have one child, Bellamy's mother had him and his sister. So, at age sixteen she was found, taken into custody, away from her brother and mother."

Ruby was now listening too, Liam had started as well, but not as focused as the rest of them, given that he had heard all these stories prior and he was driving.

"Did you name his sister after yourself?" Ruby asked.

"No, my name I was given at birth was Amara Jones, but I changed it when I was adopted. I was named after Octavia. Augustus' sister. And Bellamy's."

She nodded, her eyebrows furrowed in thought. She never knew that Octavia was adopted or that she had a different name. But she didn't know how fast her emotions changed when certain topics were brought up either.

"But, these leaders went through a lot. They went to war with the grounders, the people who were occupying earth before they got their, they radiated mount weather, the base filled with people hellbent on collecting bone marrow so they could go outside, and now they face A.L.I.E, an AI that is giving robotic chips out to people that change them."

Chubs glances back, frustrated that you still hadn't answered his question.

"How come all your hero's have a tragic back story?"

"Give me a hero, I'll write you a tragedy."

He hums in response before turning back and looking out the window. His dark brown orbs focusing on the abandoned town we had found.

"Liam, motel up three blocks than left."

"That's enough for tonight Zu." Octavia cooed quietly.


A cold presence loomed over Octavia, the feeling of a thousand eyes on her washed over her.

The cold air of the outside pricked at her skin. Her arms and legs covered in goosebumps.

"Should we go talk to her?" Ruby questioned, her voice quiet as not to alarm the girl.

"No, she needs a break." Chubs replied.

Octavia couldn't quite find the energy in her self to look for a place to sit so she wondered the field until she found an old swing, abandoned with a doll still sat up against the tree.

"Left without thought, remaining how it was abandoned." She said clearly to let the boy know she knew he was here.

He chuckled and wrapped his arm around her waist, she rested her head against his arm.

"Just another LA devotee." He pointed to the barley visible out line of the Hollywood sign.

"Did you just Panic at the disco me?"

"Yes. Yes I did."

He closed his eyes and she continued to stare out into the starry sky, calmly she started to point out constellations.

"Theirs Cassiopeia, Orion's Belt, the archer, and Cygnus."

He hummed to signal that he did hear her, but he didn't fully respond. He knew the girls love for the stars, in fact, he knew she loved them much that she would sneak out and sit on the roof of the cabin to see the stars.

"Remember how Jack used to tell us that every person that died went up to be one of the stars, to calm us down every time a kid was killed."

He chuckled lightly, the memory of the older boy hovering over them, like a cloud.

"Yeah, he would say that a constellation was a group of friends that found each other, and every bright star meant they had found love."

Octavia smiled, the skin around her eyes wrinkled a little bit. Her teeth barley visible in the dark night.

Liam walked up behind her and wrapped his arms underneath her arms. She leaned into him slightly, resting her head against his chest.

She sighed softly, her eyes pulling closed as Liam's light breathing eased her into a tired state.

A small tear slipped down her cheek, rolling down her face. The stars illuminated her face very lightly, only enough for Liam to notice the drop fall onto her thigh.

"I am so sorry, Darlin'. I should have gone back for him, he should be here, not-" He spoke solemnly.

"Don't talk like that Liam, you know he wouldn't have made it anyway. I love him, I really do but if you had gone back you would have died to. Chubs and Zu as well."

He smiled sadly, glancing down at her. He could only see her hair and the very tips of her eye lashes, along with her nose but he could tell she too was sitting with the same expression.

"He would have loved this view, the stars, the hills, the sign. He always wanted to go to Hollywood." I giggled. "He said that I would become rich and famous, buy a house here and he would come and live with me."

"He can see this view from the stars, remember."

The stars. That's where his heaven would be.

A lot of you want me to continue this so I decided I will. Yay! The updates will probably be slower but the fool is still running so please enjoy! I really want to that you guys for reading this so please give me some questions for a Q and A!

Anything counts. Nothing is to intrusive. (Other than like my address and that shit but you know that.)

So please comment some questions!


Pretty please.

You can also ask me to do stuff. (Like face revel or something)

Anyway, goodbye my lovelies! 😘

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2019 ⏰

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