Surprise, I'm not dead!

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I do not own The Darkest Minds but, I do however own these disclaimers.

Her hair was flowing behind her, her eyes shining with despair. She was screaming for help, crying out for someone, anyone to save her. Tears streaming down her pale face and blood trickling down her head. She cried out in agony as it started to become dark around us, she stopped crying and looked directly into my eyes.

"Liam." She said,

"Help Me!"

The ability to move struck me and I ran to her,

"Octavia! Octavia, shhh, it's ok, your okay. You are going to be ok." I say wrapping my arms around her.

She whimpers and collapsed into my arms. I place my hand on the back of her head and whisper to her to get her to calm down. Suddenly a loud bang sounds and she falls to the ground with blood staining her shirt. She looks up at me weakly and signal me to lean down to her level. I slowly bend my knees and crouch, she whimpered as she sat up slightly.

"Liam. Liam! Liam!"

I wake up to Chubs shaking awake. I shoot up and look around to see if she was there. My eyes search the whole room and much to my dismay, she is nowhere to be seen.

I lift hand to my eyes and rub the sleep away, I look at the people surrounding me. Their faces drawn into worried expressions. My eyes meet Chubs eyes and he looks more than worried, he looks upset. Almost like he pitys me. My eyes wonder around the room motel room again and my blue orbs fall on to a calendar and I realize what day it is.

April 26 2019,

1 year after I left her to die.

Octavia POV

I wander around the mall that I have made my home. All the lights are out and everything is silent, these are the moments I miss. My feet make small noises as they hit the floor and my breathing is almost silent. A crash sounds from somewhere behind me and I jump. I slide against the wall and hide in the shadows, I gently place a hand over my knife that sits in my waistband. I creep over to the area where the noise came from. My feet hit the floor silently and I lean forward the slightest bit. The light of a flashlight peaks from around the corner and I press my back against the wall.

Foot steps echo through out the mall, are they even trying to be quiet?! My breath hitches in my throat and my mouth becomes dry. A skip tracer stands just behind the corner. I curve my head around the corner and spot the one, the only, the baddest bitch of all, Lady Jane. She doesn't know I'm here, I have the upper hand.

"Octavia, dear, don't play this game with me." She says, her voice filled with venom.

Damnit. Nevermind. I step away from the wall casually.

"How'd you know I was here?" I ask carefully.

"You see, your friend, Murphy, he squealed like a little pig before I turned him in to the PSF's." She sneered.

My jaw clenched and my knuckles turned white.

"He wouldn't." I say through closed teeth.

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