Where the Pack is

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Katsuki's POV

"Hey Kat? Do you mind if I take you to where I live?" Izu said, looking up into my eyes.


He grabbed my hand and began to drag me towards the forest that was at the edge of town.Before we entered Izu turned around and pulled up my hood, saying, "We have very unique hair that people can see from a mile away so we want to make sure they can't see it." Then he turned around, transformed into a wolf and ran off. I went into bat form and followed him as fast as possible.

We passed clusters of trees, rocks, moss, stumps, and fields. The sunlight dappled the forest floor through the trees and the moss was soft under my claws when I swooped down to feel it.

Finally, we came to a clearing in the middle of nowhere. When we approached, Izu turned back into his human form and grabbed my hand. We walked out into the clearing and suddenly I smelled a strong scent approach us.

"Izuku, who is this?" Growled a tall man with purple hair.

"Um. How should I answer this? He's kinda like my boyfriend but not. Um, he, uh, is kinda, a, um, a vampire. And he's with me," Izu stuttered.

The purple guy nodded and bowed, "Anyone that is our Alpha's friend is welcome. And Izuku, you know I would accept him no matter what, that is just protocol. There's no need to stammer." Izu nodded and looked at me. I sniffed and suddenly smelled a strong scent flow for Izu.

"Hey, you mind telling me what this scent that I smell from you is?" I asked.

"You are smelling my pheromones. I have to hide them so I don't put any other werewolves into submission. Especially Omegas. If there are any more at our school, the second I let my sent out they would instantly find me and most likely start flirting with me or not be able to move. You know what happens to us during our ruts and heats. Right?"

"I wish I didn't. Just wait till you see me and my parents during a full moon and especially a blood moon." The man next to us coughed and tried not to laugh. Izu looked confused but turned his attention back to me and dragged me towards the cliff at one side of the clearing.

"Come meet the elder Alphas," Izu said, pulling me into the cave at the bottom of the cliff.

"All Might! Mic! I want you to meet someone!" Izu cried into the dark. The lights flicked on and two wolves walked into view. Both had blond hair and one of them had long fur. When they had woke up enough to prosses information, they saw me and quickly went into their human forms.

"Izuku, who the hell is that? You know you have to get our permission to bring someone to the clearing!" The one with shorter hair said fiercely.

The scent coming from Izu changed and became heavy. I could smell the anger rolling off him as well as a hint of distress.

"Don't make me explain my motives! He means a whole shit more to me than anyone else!" Izu growled loudly. The two older males backed away and whimpered.

"Does he really mean that much to you?" The one with long hair asked. I could see their noses twitch and I knew they must have been reading his scent.

"Yes! Now, will you greet him like civilized wolves before I rip an ear off both of you?!" His scent became more commanding and more angry by the second.

The other two wolves were shaking with fear but they creep forward and bowed in front of me, "Welcome. I hope you are comfortable in our humble clearing. Thank you for coming, Izuku's Soulmate."

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