🔞It continues even when I run away

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I'm back a little sooner because I might get busy with my exams.

🔞Chapter warning: sensitive content.
Be aware.

So I think I lost the track while writing this story. It got a little too detailed. Sorry.


Third POV

"Let's break up." He struggled to form the words, watching how the umbrella slipped from the younger's hand.
Raindrops falling on his own face, mixing with the tears he did not know he was shedding, at least he did not have to make excuses, rain was god's last gift to him, to help him keep his façade. He watched how betrayal, disbelief, pain replaced the youngest's always happy, sparkling joyful eyes. Even in the dark, under the heavy rain Jimin could see how his innocent face crumbled, tears rolled down joining the rain drops on his pale cheeks.

"Wh-why?" His voice cracked, arms hanging in air, desperately yearning to touch his Hyung.

"Just because-" Jimin shrugged, his broken nails digging his palms to keep himself from falling apart.

"We don't have to go to Busan if you don't want. I-I'm s-sorry." Jungkook said in a rushed tone, throwing the car key on the ground.

"It's not that."

"Th-then is it because of my age? C-can we date again after three months?" He clasped the older's hand, a tinge of hope in his tone, eyes getting wider as he starred at his Hyung's cold face.

"Jungkook stop it."

"Then what is it.hm? Tell me. Let's talk. Hum? Hyung please." He begged, tightening his grip on the older. Jimin had never seen him this desperate, crying like that, pleading with his eyes. He wanted nothing more than pulling the crying boy in his arms, to warm his trembling body with his own warmth, to whisper sweet things in his ears. He wanted to scream his love for him but the world is cruel, sitting on its glorious throne, observing men, robbing those who have found their happiness. No matter how hard you try, fight, you are no match to its majesty, power, cruelty.

"I just don't want you anymore. I'm tired." Jimin felt something broke in his chest when those hands let go of his smaller ones, when the younger stepped back while pain was painted all over his face and those broken pieces grazed his skin when his silent tear turned into loud broken sobs. "You're not enough for me."

He gasped in surprise as he felt a sharp pain his cheek, the impact pushing his face to the other side. He cupped his cheek with his hands, meeting Jin's gaze, his dark threatening orbs filled with disgust. "You are unbelievable." He snarled as he engulfed the youngest's wet figure in a warm hug. "Let's go inside baby." He murmured, caressing his hairs gently. He led him inside and with one last death glare at Jimin he slammed the door shut, leaving the smaller boy all alone in the rain.

It was dark, raining, Eyes blinded with fury, maybe that's why they both missed the large handprint on his unusually pale cheek or his sorrowful eyes silently pleading for help.

He stood there, not daring to go inside while the lights were still on, letting the cold numb all his senses. He could still hear Jungkook's painful cries, see how light left his beautiful eyes.

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