For me ... Live

701 55 58

First of all ...
Seoul town road :))))))
That was awesome :)))))

Second. I need a good story. Something well-written and not cringy. No m-preg. Also a finished one. My library is filled with unfinished stories :(

Third... let's get to the story :)


Jungkook was lying on his bed with open arms, staring blankly at the white ceiling. It had been two days since Jimin left the dorm. Namjoon told him not to worry, that it was what Jimin needed to organize his mind. But he couldn't help fear the odds. What if he never returns? He never got to say goodbye, or even apologize. God why was he such a coward? He should have approached the older after the court, begged for forgiveness but no he had to hide and hurt him even more. He knew Jimin was upset, Jin had told him, but he still kept his distance, thought he had all the times in the world, that he can confront the older later. But with Jimin gone, fear had seized his hear. Fear of not seeing him again, not having the chance to make things right.

Jimin left at dawn without telling anyone. Just leaving a simple note. "Need some times off. Will be back soon." Jungkook couldn't help but think about the day they both planned to go back to their hometown. Only if he hadn't doubted Jimin's love and asked him why. Only if he had taken it upon himself to protect the older.

He remembered how Jimin broke down in his arms, how he asked him to never return to Seoul. How could he believe Jimin had changed in a day? As if it was possible. Men are truly odd. Always believing what they wanted. Never observe or seek the complicated truth. Why? Because believing lies were easier.

People always questioned Jimin in their relationship. Doubted him, blamed him. They called Jimin the bad guy. Suspected his feeling and intentions, tried him and condemned him. Simply because he was the older of the two. But in reality Jungkook was the one who they should have been aware of, watched with hawk eyes and stopped from hurting the older. The misconception of "Olders are sly and have bad influence on youngers" doomed their relationship.

He flinched when his phone vibrated. He cursed under his breathe, he should really stop putting his phone on his chest. His brows furrowed when his saw Jimin's name on the screen. He checked the time, it was almost midnight, why would he call? He connected the call with shaky hands.

"Hello?" No answer. He could hear the later's shaky breathing through the phone. "Please talk."

"Could you please come and take me?"

"Hyung it's 12 in the morning."

"I know I know it's just... I'm sorry I shouldn't have called."

"No no no don't hang up please." Jungkook panicked. Jumping off the bed to look for his wallet and to fish some clothes. "Just tell me where you are."

"I don't know."

"A sign. Anything?"

"I see water." His voice was trembling. It was cold, soulless, broken. But how could someone be both soulless and broken? He knew he wasn't crying. To think of it, it'd been a long time since the last time he saw Jimin cried. "J-just come faster. I'm cold."

"Alright baby. Just hang in there."

Deciding which beach to visit wasn't really a struggle. A place which wasn't really popular because of the lack of facilities. People preferred the ones with bathrooms and toilets and resting areas and stores. Which could be a perfect place for people who were in need of privacy. Secret couples, old grandpas and ofcourse celebrities. They had been there once. The first time Jimin asked him out. They had a week off so he had asked his parents to come to Seoul. Jimin, despite his protest, begged him to meet there. He didn't want to miss his limited time with his family but Jimin's aegyo and cute voice had always been his greatest weakness. There Jimin hugged him, hiding his face in the crook of the younger's neck, not daring to look him in the eye.

Caught In A Lie | JiKook (COMPLETED) ✔Where stories live. Discover now