I will let you hear my story

832 57 52

12 A.M
I'm back
We reached Tuesday faster than I expected.
Anyway here is another chapter
A little bit of Namjin and Vmin ❤


Namjoon was sitting in the living room, pretending to be busy with a new book Seokjin had recommended, but in reality he was observing the members. Bedless Hoseok sleeping on the coach, wrapped in a blanket because apparently Jungkook was still unaware of the invention of headphones. Jimin had once again locked himself in their bedroom since Bang PD's visit last night. No one had ever seen Jimin that angry. He was always the most polite one in front of their boss. Never crossing lines or even raising his voice but last night he was screaming at top of his lungs, begging and threatening him to drop the lawsuit.

"Jimin, you are like a son to me. I do it because you deserve justice."

"Justice makes me a prostitute. I don't want it."

Namjoon had never seen Bang PD's tears. When the company went bankrupt or when they couldn't afford a simple meal for trainees, he didn't cry. When his uncle died he got drunk but didn't cry. He always had strong mentality so when tears escaped his always dry eyes, face crumbled in pain, Namjoon knew how fierce the situation was. The guilt was eating them all alive. Their Jimin, that always happy, cheerful and calm mochi was now broken into someone they couldn't recognize. The fear of failing him again was crushing their chest and the guilt of letting the man they all adored suffer for months wasn't something they could live with. But nothing hurt more than watching Jimin regards himself with those words, to call himself names and blaming them for not letting him die.

He knew Jimin was scared, he told him the other night that he won't stand witness again even if it means dropping the case.

Not that Namjoon could blame him, how he was treated was no way to treat a victim. He had heard from Bang PD that the case was difficult because those high-level sponsors who gave them contracts in exchange of a night with Jimin were pulling the strings to keep their own names secret. The reason Bighit was still standing was fans. They had no power among big names, no power to fight the shadows. And he was sure Jimin knew that too. How the judge let the lawyer harass the victim made everything really obvious. Their only chance was the Jury but how could they convince them when Jimin would panic even by the mention of going back to court.

The fact that the media couldn't shut their mouth was adding to his fears. Bighit had released a statement that they had to halt activities because Jimin was hurt. They never mentioned the details but how could they escape their hawk eyes? Bighit meeting well-known lawyers, BTS in hospital, undeniable marks on a member's skin, Police forces in the building, members or staff were seen in court. And Namjoon knew the boy was on edge. He would either sit in a corner like a ragged doll, looking like an empty shell or would rock back and forth with reddish eyes, clawing at his hairs.

Jungkook avoiding Jimin was making the situation worse. Since the day of the trial no one had ever seen them in the same room. Jungkook running away each time his eyes fall on the older. He had heard the boy cry at nights but each time he tried to talk to him he just shrugged him off, not opening to anyone.

That night when he saw Suga left with distressed Jimin and followed them secretly only to call the cops the moment he heard the first scream, he thought it was over, that they could return to how they used to be, get their old fluffy Jimin back. But everything has gotten worse since that night to the point sometimes he wonders if he did the right thing. Maybe he should have stopped them himself. Maybe Yoongi Hyung was right by going alone and not informing others.

"You know you've been on the same page for thirty minutes?"

"Hi" He mumbled, scooting over to give space to his oldest Hyung. He flinched as Seokjin's soft hand cupped his cheek, thumb gently rubbing his skin. It felt awkward, the two weren't fans of skinship so having Jin this close was a little shocking to him. His hand twitched, wanting to push him away but he didn't. That fragile part of him forced his eyes closed as he leaned into the touch.
"Your eyes were leaking." Jin mumbled, trying to retract his hand only to be stopped by Namjoon who grabbed his wrist in a tight hold, keeping his hand in its place.

Namjoon wasn't that old. Barely three years older than the maknae, only one year older than Jimin and Taehyung. The only reasons they chose him as the leader despite having three older Hyungs were his leadership skills and his seniority as a trainee so he had tried to act more mature than his age to not let the group down. The seven of them were a family. Unlike many other idol groups no signs of toxic masculinity or unnecessary age-centered respect were among them. That was the biggest key to their relationship. But still because of his leadership status, members had built a wall of respect around him. They once said they fear him a little, not a bad one. It was out of respect. He knew in their eyes, even the Hyungs, he was a big deal and they were proud of him. But it had its disadvantages too. He was barely comforted emotionally, not one was aware that despite being the leader he was still a child who could get scared, upset or frustrated easily, who sometimes needed to rely on someone. So receiving this simple amount of comfort from his Hyung was huge to him and he wasn't ready to let it go. "Five minutes, just for five minutes." He told to himself. "Let your façade down. Be vulnerable. Be young."

"He came to me you know? Jimin."


"I don't know. A little after his fight with Jungkook. He needed to talk and I rejected him. It was a long time ago. I could have stopped it a long time ago but no I had to be more Catholic."

"You're an atheist Namjoon." (A/N: You totally ruined the mood :/ )

"Seriously Hyung?" Namjoon snapped, sending him a death glare.

"Sorry man. Bad attempt." Jin chuckled, raising both of his hands in defeat. "Just wanted to say that never forget you are young too. It's okay to make mistakes."

"Do you really believe that?"

"Yes." Namjoon saw how the older stole his gaze, fingers locked to stop them from trembling. His always cheereful eyes were glossy, biting down on his lower lip, probably to block a sob from escaping.
NO I DON'T. He wanted to scream those, but how could he comfort the younger if he admitted the truth? He was the oldest, it was his job to protect his dongsengs, all of them not just one. Yes he literary raised Jungkook, gave him breakfast each morning, drove him to school, nagged at Namjoon each time he refused doing the younger's homework and that made him overprotective because his feelings for the youngest was like one a father has for his son. But can it justify his behavior towards Jimin, the other Dongseng? The sweet caring Jimin who would scold anyone who dared to disrespect his oldest Hyung. The one who would run to the crying ones with open arms, engulfing them in the biggest warmest most comforting hug ever. The one who sacrificed his pride to protect the love of his life. And what did he do as the oldest? As the one responsible for his well-being? Slapped him, neglected him, ignored him, let him face his demons alone. So no. The things he just told Namjoon doesn't apply for him too. It wasn't until Namjoon's strong arms pulled him against his chest that he lost the battle. Tears finally rolling down his cheeks as he bite down on his lower lips harsher to stop himself from making any noise.


Jimin pressed the pillow on his face, grunting in annoyance. "I'm not coming for breakfast." Only if he could keep the fabric a little longer, blocking the air from getting into his lungs, falling into the world of nothing.

"I-I had a nightmare" Those three words were all he needed to sit straight, letting his puffy eyes fall on a distressed Taehyung at the entrance. He was hugging his pillow, still dressed in his pjs, Beautiful golden curly locks covering his eyes as he was looking down, gently tapping the front of his toes on the cold floor, looking slightly shy.

"Why didn't you go to Jungkook?"

"H-he doesn't comfort me. Just distract my mind by playing games." He shrugged, gathering his courage to look at the fragile boy on the bed. "C-can we cuddle? Like before?" He said, chewing on his lips nervously.

Jimin moved a little as he opened his arms, letting him crawl to his arms with a faint smile. Taehyung was the same age as him but he always had a soft spot for him. Having the urge to baby him, protect him, make him smile. He pressed the blond boy's face to his chest, hand gently stroking his messy hair. "Tell me what you saw." He saw how his body tensed, his big but delicate hands fisting the front of his shirt. "Baby it's alright. Tell me."

"I-it was you."


Taehyung took a deep breath, squeezing his eyes shot to stop the tears from escaping. He had to be the one comforting Jimin for God's sake, not the other way around. Could he get more pathetic? "I couldn't find you." Nuzzling his face, he tightened his arms around Jimin's tiny waist. "I looked everywhere, I cried, I-I called… but you weren't there so… so when I woke up I had to see you."

"Heeeey" Jimin cooed, leaning to plant a gentle kiss on his forehead. "Baby. It was just a dream. I am right here."

Taehyung suddenly unwrapped his arms, sitting as he engulfed Jimin's small hands with his, a heart-wrenching pain seizing his heart from how fragile the smaller boy looked. Even worse than the day he first saw him on that hospital bed. "Promise me Jimin. Promise me you'll never leave, that every night I can sleep with the hope of seeing you again in the morning, that when the night passes you'll still be there."

Taehyung moved closer, eyes getting wider, desperately begging him to talk, to give him his words, but Jimin stayed silent. A faint sad smile plastering his face. A futile attempt in hiding his agony.

"Bangtan doesn't need me."

The four words that knocked the air out of his chest. He closed his eyes shut, trying to control his breathing. It wasn't time to cry. "Wh-why?"

"Because I'm disgusting. I'm Filthy."

No you are not. You are the most beautiful being I've ever seen.

He wanted to tell him those, knock some sense to him but was there any point in insisting when the shell of self-loath and doubt was too thick and strong. "Tell me what happened."

"You know what happened."

"I've heard what happened." Taehyung corrected him, gathering his courage to return his smile. "I haven't been there. You were, so you are the only one who know. Tell me."

"I sold my body." Jimin shrugged, retracting his hands to curl into a ball, resting his chin on his knees as he stole his gaze.

"Don't tell me what this knows." Taehyung said, pointing at the raven-haired boy's head. "Tell me what this knows." He continued, gently resting his hand on the later's chest. "Mind is manipulative. In another word, it's a bitch. But heart is honest, I want to hear the truth."

'I-" What really happened? No one had ever asked him that question. They just listened to stories, asked for certain details, gathered physical evidence and draw conclusion from that. They never asked what happened, they called him broken and insisted on locking him in a ward, some called him victim and forced him to face things he feared the most, the rest called him a whore and tried him. No one had ever asked for his perspective. "I didn't like it."

"I know."

"Even when my body betrayed me, I still wanted them to stop b-but they laughed. They m-made me beg when I rejected them. Th-the first time I knew it was wrong but I was scared. I was so scared. I know I should have fought harder but- Oh God" He mumbled the last sentence, clutching his hair.

"Do you want to hear my story?" Taehyung asked, hand gently rubbing the later's arms in a comforting manner. "I was 17. Kilometers away from home, my parents. When I left my hometown with just a suitcase, my dad told me I have to learn how to live alone, that I'll be forced to do everything by myself. I never experienced that. A comforting hug was always waiting for me when I was homesick, I had someone to accompany me to the nearest restaurant even in the middle of the night when I was hungry. When I walked at nights because I was suffocating, I always felt safe because an angel was watching over me, hiding in the shadows. I never cried or went to the hospital alone. I remember when I nearly cried because a female senior groped me, I also remember I got pulled into a safe hug immediately and his glare was enough to scare all those nasty old farts away from me. I am blessed with having a friend with small hands to wipe my tears away, not everyone is that lucky. I just wish you never call that person names again. He is so precious to me."

"Jungkook hates me." Jimin murmured abruptly, surprising Taehyung as he wasn't expecting such a reaction. Jimin expression had changed, his bottom lip trembling, small fingers fiddling with button of his shirt, staring deep in Taehyung's eyes, the desperation in them breaking his heart as if he was begging him to tell otherwise. "H-he avoids me."

"Do you still love him?"Jimin nodded. More than my life. "Then talk to him. Don't repeat our mistake."

Jimin nodded, wrapping his arms around the later's neck as he rested his forehead on his shoulder, seeking comfort from his warmth.


Thank you for reading ❤

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