Even if you say the truth...

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Hi so a small A/N before we get to the chapter.
I hope you guys find this chapter more than just a story. To me it's a lot deeper. I tried to show the struggle a rape victim faces irw.
Shitty judges and sarcastic lawyers are the things they have to face. They are forced to sit in a room filled with people and listen to them talking about his/her sex life. Let them judge him/her.
The society blames the victims all the time for their clothes, the time it occurred or many other irrelevant things. Always trying to find a fault on the victim. In some cases even their own families are against them, saying (the victim) must have done something wrong.
And then comes the self-lothing, the guilt,which they face for many different reasons. Some because they think it's their fault,some believe they should have fought harder and some for the reaction they could not control.

What I'm saying is that this world is a shitty place for the victims specially victims of sexual assault. I haven't even talked about 10% of the issues.

It's Saturday and I'm here with a little NamMin:)


"Should I talk to him?" Yoongi asked, nervously chewing on his thumb, eyes not leaving the curled up small figure on the coach, wrapped in a blanket while he was staring at the TV blankly. He had been in that state since they have returned from court, still dressed up in white shirt and tight black pants. He had placed his coat on his lap, using his knees as a hanger while playing with its fabric. A sign of his distress.

"I think Namjoon should do it." Seokjin suggested.

"He hates me."

"He respects you Namjoon." Yoongi said, resting his hand on the later's shoulder in a comforting manner. "He needs you."

Namjoon nodded in defeat. Putting down the glass as he walked toward the boy. There was no sign of pain, fury or anguish on his face. Not even hatred. He wasn't crying or trembling. His face was deprived of any emotion. His once beautiful sparkly eyes were now two bottomless pits. "Hey!" He felt a painful pang in his chest when his eyes fell on his wrists. His rolled up sleeves not hiding the scars anymore, too fresh to be considered old. He could swear at least one was opened in the morning.

Jimin didn't respond, just leaned forward, pressing his eyes to his knees. He saw it from the corner of his eyes, Namjoon's grimace. Probably disgusted by his ugly skin or could it be his existence? After all who wanted to have a whore as his housemate, let alone as a co-worker?

He never wanted a trial nor justice, he didn't want to be humiliated in front of a room filled with people. The moment he stepped a foot in the courtroom and saw the smirk painting the face of his nightmares, he knew it was over.

Namjoon didn't have much to say as a witness, partially blaming himself for neglecting the plaintiff. Yoongi had much more to say, explaining the night when they harassed his younger brother in front of his eyes and Jimin felt the familiar burning sensation in his eyes when Yoongi cried, telling the prosecutor how much he resented himself for not being able to help the plaintiff when he was begging to be saved.

But Jungkook was a different story. He stood there as his lover. And Jimin was willing to sell his soul one more time just to take him away from there, shield him from the brutal reality. Jungkook didn't exactly know the details, how they blackmailed Jimin or what the content of those videos were. Namjoon had just told him that Jimin was sexually assaulted and that he was hurt. So Jimin saw how the maknae's face crumbled and a sob slipped his throat when he learned that he was the reason Jimin submitted the very first time.

When Jimin stood as witness, he did not know the details of the previous sessions, shutting the lawyers each time they tried to explain the situation to him. And he regretted standing in front of the jury and the people he knew, oblivious to the fact that the arrows have been directed toward him and not the defendants. Had he known the circumstances, he would have probably cut deeper in the morning.

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