Chapter 22, part 2: Day 29 continued

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Westizal turned to Oax, forestalling the swordsman's arguments once again, "The Graf sent you to ask for aid, aid you shall return with. My mirrors, those currently acting as my co-hosts, are no small addition to your forces and the treasures of my castle will be of some assistance. The rest of us will join you as soon as we can." Oax had to accept this with as much good grace as he could muster, in spite of Rolf angrily elbowing him in the ribs, wanting him to speak out against this snub to the Graf. As Westizal made to leave, Tania tackled Burrowwold, anger in her voice, "I didn't hear you speaking up for a place with Kleymin. Did we come this far just to abandon him into the hands of strangers?" She threw out her arms in a melodramatic pose. The gnome turned a sour eye on her. "Looks like it, don't it? Those strangers can protect him far better than we ever could, girly. Ever since you picked him up, we've been out of our depth. Now I for one intend heading back for the shallows," he said, then lowered his voice and continued in a murmur, "Besides which, how often do you see a wizard's treasure all out in the open, with a guarantee that the wizard isn't close at hand to boot, eh?" His eyes had a dreamy, faraway look in them. "Oh, you're disgusting!" snapped Tania, before storming off, but her voice had held a curious note.

Susoo caught up with the wu-jen by the stairs. "What then did you learn?" she demanded, once within an arms' reach of him. He stopped so abruptly, spinning on his heel, that she almost collided with him. "I learnt that I could not learn enough, my lady. I cannot get past the defences that Namarth throws up around itself, and around the boy by extension. So we are going to ask elsewhere. We are going to consult a magic that is far older than mine, far more powerful, more dangerous and ... different." He stressed the last word strangely. He turned back and stormed up the stairs, robes swirling about him, leaving Susoo pondering just what this meant. Her lips narrowed into a thin line. She did not like where this might be going. Still deep in her calculations, she made her way back to where Tzumak stood. Quietly, she informed her colleague of what had just occurred. She did not, however, make him aware of her speculations on just what the wu-jen had meant.

Shortly afterwards, the mage appeared in the refectorium once more and gestured for those there to follow him. He led them to another room, one filled with maps and scrolls and had a large sand-table at its centre. "Here are the Iron Mountains, running from Vartansberg Pass to the east and the pass to the sea at the Weisswasser's mouth." said Westizal, sketching rapidly in the sand with one finger. The others crouched down in a rough circle around the hastily-created map. "Guarding the pass is Vartansberg. That is where the wagons will head for, with Sere and Tatu. Thus, the Graf's forces will be significantly stronger." Oax started to speak but the wu-jen held up his hand and said, "Wait, hear me out." At the same time, the Grand Inquisitor caught Oax's eye with a fierce glare. The burly swordsman fell silent as Westizal continued, "For my party, our goal is Estuary Keep, at the mouth of the river. We travel over the foothills, skirting the mountains. I estimate it will take us perhaps eight days."

"Would it not be faster if you travelled on the plains?" queried Tzumak. Westizal gave a quick grin, "Only if you can guarantee not to meet any tuigrahan hunting parties or camps." Oax stretched out one hand and added more detail to the map.

"A river, Chelas-quaik, flows into the estuary here from the north. If you took rafts on any river along the way, it would flow into the Chel. You would travel faster and have fewer worries about tuigrahan." Anything that enables Zmnt to reach Vartansberg more rapidly, thought the warrior. The wu-jen nodded his agreement. "True but water has its own perils. Rapids, possibly falls, maybe even a water-wight. Too risky. I know some of the rivers further west but not those ones," he countered.

"All the water-wights in this whole area died during the Great Conflict. They only remain far to the south," retorted Susoo, at the same time as making a mental note that the wu-jen had been even further into tuigrahan territory. Westizal raised one eyebrow. "Really? Have you tested all the waters this side of the mountains, Grand Inquisitor?" Susoo flushed at the challenge. "No but it is well known...," she began. The wizard interrupted her, "I find that what is 'well-known' is often wrong." A smile and quick bow of his head attempted to soften the verbal blow, "I have lived this side of the mountains for many years. In that time, I have encountered more than one water-wight. I would not choose to risk meeting another on this journey. They can be tricky beings."

Oax could contain himself no longer, "Why split our forces? If what you've said is true about the tuigrahan gathering for war, we need your strength at Vartansberg. The Hywheni daimyos are not answering the Graf's call, leaving us weaker than we have ever been. You and your friends could make the difference." Westizal met the swordsman's gaze, "I need to take Kleymin and Namarth to the Keep and from there further south. We need answers and that is the only way to get them."

"Why to the Keep? And what questions would you have answered?" demanded Susoo, forcibly. Westizal turned to her with another, more gentle, smile. "I will show you when we get there," he said, "As to the questions – I do not wish to explain at this point". At this point or in this company? wondered Susoo. "Why should we trust you?" she countered, eyes narrowing. Westizal's smile broadened slightly, "Your masters sent you to me for help and advice. You don't have to trust me, but you do have to do what I say – isn't that what they told you? 'Don't trust him but listen and do as he advises'?" Susoo glared at him, silent for a moment. The wu-jen had quoted her instructions almost word for word. Did he know or was it just a guess? Her face gave nothing away but Westizal still relaxed slightly. Her silence was all the answer he needed.

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