Chapter 5- I Took a Karate Lesson Once

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It's now 5:30 in the afternoon which means that my first day at Arkdale high is officially over. Rob is at football practice and everyone else is working which means I'm on Aunt duty and must go pick up Sarah and Anne from their babysitter's house. Liam works 3 on wards so he found a teenage girl willing to give up her afternoons to babysit the girls at her house; how nice of her.

I arrive at the house and walk up to the steps of the door before knocking three times. This house is beautiful; it's a two-story white house with the most beautiful blue flowers in their front garden. The door swings open and I'm met by a beautiful girl who looks to be around the age of 14; she has brown hair that flows to her waist and has the nicest white smile.

"Hey! I'm Cleo, you must be Lila", she says whilst grinning widely.

"Yeah, that's me. I've heard great things about you from Lorraine and Liam", I say.

"Aw that's so sweet of them, I love babysitting the girls, they're great", Cleo exclaims.

I hear loud giggles and small thuds coming my way which can only mean one thing, Sarah and Anne know I'm here.

"Aunty Lila, Aunty Lila, Aunty Lila!", the two of them both speak at once whilst giggling.

"Hi girls, how was your afternoon with Cleo?", I ask whilst bending down to give them both hugs.

"Fun fun fun fun fun!", they both begin chanting.

Cleo and I both begin laughing. "Alright well go get your things, we're going to visit your dad at his work for dinner", I say.

Cleo begins speaking, "the girls are great, they always speak about you, they're really happy your family moved here".

"Oh wow, how long have you been babysitting them? It's so nice of you to free your afternoons up for them, I know Lorraine and Liam really appreciate it".

"I've been babysitting them since Liam opened his restaurant up... so maybe two years now, but not every afternoon as sometimes my dad or brother help babysit too", Cleo says.

"Wow, your family seems really nice, how old's your brother?", I ask.

"He's the same age as you I'm sure because he's in the same grade, I'm sure you'll see him around", she beams at me.

I smile back at her and don't push the conversation any further as the girls come running out to my car. I wave goodbye to Cleo and thank her again for watching the girls.


"Right girls grab your things. I'll park us here and we can walk a little bit to the restaurant okay?", I ask them both.

"Okay Aunty Lila", they both nod at me whilst giggling excitedly.

We all hop out of the car and I help the girls put their coats on as the wind has picked up as it's just reached night time. As we're walking to the restaurant I hear a twig snap behind me and it sounds close. I turn around and to my relief no one is behind us.

I've watched too many crimes shows, I know how it all works.

We're almost at the restaurant when I hear another noise behind us. "I took a karate lesson once and I'm not afraid to hurt you!", I say.

"Relax, I'm not going to hurt you, I'm just walking to work. Please don't go all karate sensei on me", a deep voice speaks, and I turn around to see Jace smirking at me.

"Jace!", Sarah and Anne scream happily before running to give him a hug.

He leans down and swoops them both up into a big hug. "Hi Sarah and Anne, you both look taller than the last time I saw you".

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