Chapter 3- Please Introduce Yourself

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I walk through the class room door into what I thought would be a chaotic environment, yet to my astonishment, I'm greeted with quiet chatter as the teacher is calling the roll. The sound of the door opening makes everyone's attention avert to me, making me feel like a fish out of water.

"Hello, you must be Lila Malice, I'm your form teacher Mr Ricketts", the man speaks, he looks to be in his mid-50's with a bit of grey hair coming through. Then he speaks the three words no new student wants to hear, "please introduce yourself".

"H-hi, my names Lila Malice and my family just moved here from Sunnyside", I squeak out through the sheer awkwardness that I'm feeling. Some give me a small smile of encouragement, but others look rather disinterested; I don't blame them.

"Alright, well just take a seat wherever Lila", Mr Rickett says with a reassuring smile.

I walk to a seat at the back of the room where two rather cute boys are sitting. One of them turns to me and speaks with a thick Italian accent, "hey I'm Bruno and this is my cousin Rocco".

Bruno looks to be about 6ft tall and has beautifully tanned skin and chocolate brown hair. My instant thought is that he's cute. Rocco seems a bit shy, but yet again he's also fairly cute and has a lighter complexity, but with the same chocolate brown hair groomed back neatly.

"Hey", I nod.

"So when did-" Bruno begins to speak but is cut off by a girl in front of him.

"Oh my gosh, Bruno stop hitting on the new girl", she speaks with disgust. "Hi, my names Aly and this is one of my bestfriends, Mason", she says whilst nodding to the guy next to her.

I recognize the name Mason, as my brother is jealous of him. Why is my brother jealous of a guy he's never met, you might ask? Well Mason is only a junior and is Arkdale High's quarterback, which means he must be an incredible player.

"Hey Aly and Mason", I begin speaking, "I've heard that you're a really good quarterback Mason".

"Wow, here for five minutes and the hot new girl already knows about me", he smirks back at Bruno, "listen Lila, I know a really good spot in school that we can get together if you're feeling what I'm feeling".

Well, I wish I could say he has a nice personality to match his good looks... but we can't be so fortunate in life.

Before I know it, words are spilling out quicker than I can hold them back, "well clearly your egos much bigger than your..." I nod down towards his private area, "because this girl is uninterested".

I hear laughter erupting from Aly before hearing a wolf whistle next to me, I turn to see both Bruno and Rocco grinning at me. "Did THE Mason Baxter just get rejected?" Bruno asks Rocco, clearly amused by my slip up. "I think he did", Rocco smirks at me.

I sink into my chair feeling really embarrassed that I had just said that aloud. Aly turns around to me again still laughing, "I think we're going to be really great friends". Despite just being rejected, Mason is grinning at me too, clearly impressed with my quick comeback.


Aly offers to walk with me to my English class as she shares it with me. I quickly learn from Aly that she has an identical twin sister, Macy, and apart of their friendship, is Mason and another guy called Lucas. She explained to me the cliques of the school and I learnt that Rocco, Bruno and some other guy are the 'bad boys' at Arkdale high, how cliché. They didn't seem too bad to me, but I like to not judge a book by it's first appearance.

We walk into the English class and are two of the first people in here, besides the teacher. This beautiful lady who looks to be in her late 60's turns around; she has pale skin and grey hair. "Hello, I'm Ms Boni and you must be my new student Lila Malice?" she kindly asks.

For the first time today, I feel at ease. This teacher seems genuinely calm and nice; I'm excited for English, which is rare. "Yes, I am", I beam at her.

"Well take a seat wherever you like, there's no seating arrangements yet but we will be partnering people up today and I know just who to pair you up with to help you catch up on the work you've missed", Ms Boni speaks.

"Oh, well I'm very flattered Ms Boni, I'd be more than happy to help Lila catch up", Aly speaks.

"Sorry Aly, I've already partnered you up with another student. There was one student whose grades are at the top of the class and we had an odd number, so he was going to be working alone, but now you both can be partnered together", Ms Boni speaks.

The door slams open and in walks quite possibly the most beautiful guy I've ever seen. What is with this school and its good-looking guys? He has beautiful light tanned skin, black hair, a white band shirt with black jeans and a leather jacket.

He begins walking past us all as if we aren't standing there before he's stopped by Ms Boni. "Mr Black, this is our new student Lila, you're going to be partnered with her for the Hamlet assignment, I'll need you to catch her up in your spare time on the content we learnt the past two weeks" she says.

He doesn't say anything, just nods at Ms Boni before walking to the back of the classroom and rolling his eyes at me. Rude.



Instagram- daniellecarrall

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