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This might be a series, called Project ARiLiA. I was unsure of what to name this, so I just named it Pandora. Let me know if there are any mistakes, I didn't proof read!D:

Whoever can come up with a good name for this series will be rewarded!!


There was once a girl. A girl who was paralysed. 

Her name was Lia.

Lia couldn't talk, sign or write. The doctors spent countless nights, trying to come up with a way for Lia to communicate. 

Eventually, they came up with a robot. The robot chip was connected to the skin, right above her heart. They called this Project ARiLiA.

Lia soon started school. Despite the fact she had missed most of it, she was a quick thinker. Lia hadn't been able to talk, but she could still think. She had listened to people talking around her, she had heard Maths, Geography, English, her brain was capable. She wasn't the brightest in the class, but she was clever. She did the thinking, and  Project ARiLiA would speak her thoughts. 

At night, Project ARiLiA spoke to her in her dreams.

Hello, it would say, its voice completely monotone.

'Hi' she would think. She never questioned why Project ARiLiA didn't repeat her out loud. She never needed to.

One day, while Lia was at school, she was asked a question.

"What's 7x7?" her teacher asked, expecting the right answer.

'49' she thought. However, these were not the words that escaped her mouth.


"Well don--," the teacher started, then realized. "Excuse me?"

'49' she thought again, puzzled also.


"Incorrect.." the teacher said, confused. Lia usually would of known this. 'The answer is 49.'

'Huh?' Lia thought, slightly worried. She was sure she thought 49.

After several days of getting everything wrong at school, the teachers grew worried and called her parents in.

"It isn't right, she's usually a great student," her science teacher said.

"I agree, she's exceptionally clever, especially since she missed out on so many years."

"I don't quite understand, is there something wrong at home? Is she doing her homework?"

Her parents quietly pondered over their thoughts, eventually they said,

"I think she's just going through a stage. I expect things will get better soon, I'll make sure she does her homework. I doubt we have much to worry about, she's a bright girl."

No one wondered if it was a glitch in Project ARiLiA. Or something more.

That night in her dream, Project ARiLiA spoke once more.

Hello it said in the same monotone, however something tainted it. Coldness? Hate?


'Hi' she replied, assuming it was her imagination.

Join me it whispered. Help me it said.

'Huh?' she didn't understand. Her brain didn't comprehend.

Give me your body it hissed. Give me your soul.

'I don't know what you mean?' Lia was getting worked up, breaking into a sweat. Was Project ARiLiA malfunctioning? She wanted to wake up, she was getting hot. She needed to cool down. 

Project ARiLiA wouldn't let her. It wasn't listening. It was too late. 

Her head was getting drowsy, she could feel herself slipping away.

'No,' her thoughts slurred. 'I don't want to sleep yet,'

Good night

The last thing she saw was the gleaming red eyes, and a flash of white teeth.

Then she was gone.


I'll upload more soon!


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