CHAPTER VI~ black and white

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Let me know if there are any mistakes, I didn't proof read!D:

Whoever can come up with a good name for this book will be rewarded!!

CHAPTER VI~ black and white

I woke with a start, remembering what had happened on the plane.

I inwardly groaned, rubbing sleep out of my eyes, and yawning. I crinkled my nose, disgusted. Morning breath. I stood up, off of a sofa. Where were we now? I glanced around. A small room, with pale yellow and pink wallpaper. A TV, some sofas and a coffee table. I shrugged, and headed towards one of the doors. I opened it to see everyone leaning over a dining room table, whispering. When everyone looked up, I glared at Castor then motioned brushing teeth.

"Next door to your right," Ash instructed, smiling.

I nodded and grinned back, gratefully finding the bathroom. I grabbed a toothbrush, too bleary eyed to know whose it was. I washed it, squirted some toothpaste, and shoved it in my mouth. I was mid-brushing when I heard a cough at the door. I turned, frowning, to see Castor opening his mouth. Then he shut it, puzzled. He leaned closer, looking at me quizzically.

"Why are you using my toothbrush?"

My eyes widened before I spluttered into the sink. I groaned, splashing water in my mouth, (and everywhere else too) and scrubbed my tongue.

Euggh mff I gurgled, slightly choking. I glanced back at Castor, who was clutching his sides and leaning on the door for support. I faced him, hands on hips, probably looking like a hamster as I was still swishing water around in my cheeks.

When he finally stopped, he took a deep breath. He looked at me with a smirk clear on his face. I clenched my fists, my knuckles digging into my hipbones. I planned my next move.

"Sorry, you're just so--" he started, but I rudely interrupted by spitting my gargled water -mixed with a generous amount of saliva- into his face.

For a few seconds he just stared, open mouthed, and completely disbelieving. It wasn't until my spit started dripping into his mouth when he jumped into action. He yanked his shirt up, scrubbing his face till he was, literally, red in the face. He spat a few times then raised his fuming glare. We locked eyes, smoke coming out of our ears, before I snapped and blobbed my tongue out at him. He growled and reached out to grab me but I danced agilely out of his reach and out the door. I bolted down the hall, past the room where everyone was staring, their eyes boggling, and into my room. I locked the door, and leant against it breathlessly. I heard Castor thundering on the door, making the whole thing shake.

"Well i'll just wait here, you're going to come out at one point to shower." I could hear the grin in his voice. I groaned, he was right. All I'd managed to do on that expedition was brush my teeth with a disease ridden toothbrush, and made a formidabble enemy. I heard him chuckle, and I narrowed my eyes.

No way was I being held captive.

I'll give him five minutes, after that I'm going to force my way through I decided. One kick to the manly area should give me enough time.

I gathered my towel, soap, and any other necessities. Then I spent another few minutes pacing the room, planning my attack.

I'm taking this way too seriously. I'm just going to have a shower, it isn't a war, I tried to convince myself. Unfortunately, I was still nervous, the image of the guy who towered over me with a malicious glint in his eye somehow made me regret my spitting decision. I sucked in a breath, grabbed my hockey stick some support, and kicked the door, hoping to knock him out.

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