CHAPTER IV~ Castoricin

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Let me know if there are any mistakes, I didn't proof read!D:

Whoever can come up with a good name for this book will be rewarded!!

CHAPTER IV~ Castoricin

"Okay any serious questions?" 

"What's next?"

"Well, I'm glad you asked. We ship you off to boarding school, you and your brother stay low, don't cause any chaos, please." She eyed me suspiciously before carrying on, "No one can know you're related, because if word gets out that two extraordinary looking kids have joined a top secret boarding school at the exact time it's the Rebirth, well it won't be pretty."

"Extraordinary looking eh?"

"You'll see," she drawled,and just on queue a head popped round the door. "Just on time!" she beamed at the figure in the doorway.

"Er, hi," he murmured shyly. His eyes skimmed over everyones faces, and when they rested on me he visibly relaxed.

He stepped around the doorway, his hands in his pockets. He stood tall, in fact enormous. Ash looked more natural doing it. He was thin, lanky but still had muscles. He had a defined jawline and cheekbones, but his eyes were soft and big. He, too, had nearly white hair, which was shaggy over his brown eyes. His face was now a smirk, as he stuck his hand out.


"As in Castor oil or the bean?" I took his hand and shook it firmly.

"Bean, my name is technically Castoricin but I figured it would scare people off," he winked.

"So, your name is a deadly poison, and mine is from a myth where I release all the bad things into the world..great." I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

He chuckled, it was a nice sound. I figured we'd get on, but before we could make fun of our names anymore Ash coughed, and told us to follow her. She sank her hands into her pockets and sauntered out of the door.

"Final questions before we leave?"

"Where are we?" I was surprised I hadn't asked this before, but I really wanted to now, considering all the workers were staring at me.

"At the Rebellions Guild."

Well, that made sense. Wasn't I meant to be the 'leader of the rebellion'? I looked closely at what was around me. Brass, copper, iron, tin, the whole room stank of mental, grease and oil. I couldn't tell exactly what was going on, there was so many people scurrying around, but I figured they were making weapons.

Some of them waved enthustically, some bowed, some even got on their knees. I politley waved back and said hello, but I was still freaked out. 

"I never did explain to you about the emotions did I?" Luna whispered in my ear, making me jump. I'd forgotten they were following, in fact they hadn't spoken a word.

"Oh yeah, um what did you call it? Hate?"

"Well it's a long story so get ready. Since you are an angel, you are pure. You don't have full negative emotions--"

I interrupted, "But I do get sad, and angry and sometimes hateful." 

"You only feel blips. You're never really sad, or angry or hateful. Only a tiny, tiny fraction. This is because you are on earth, you never became a fully fledged angel."

"So if I did would I wear fluffy white clothes, have a halo and wings and fly up to heaven?" 

This time, Luna laughed, "No no no no no! Angels are only like that in human stories!"

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