Mikey x reader (sleepwalking)

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(Mikey's P.O.V)

I squeezed my eyes shut and turned away as the light from the door flooded in. I glanced over at the clock on the nightstand. It was 4:28 a.m., the perfect time for my wife (Y/n) to get up and use the bathroom. But something seemed... off. She usually shuts the door so I can go back to sleep, but this time she left it wide open. I got up to shut it, but what I saw in the hallway startled me. (Y/n) had gone to the kitchen, collected bread, jelly, and a butter knife, then sat in the hallway and proceeded to smear jelly on the single piece of bread.

I pinched myself, but I wasn't dreaming. What the hell was she doing?  "Babe...?" I approached her slouching figure. "Why the hell are you putting jelly on a piece of bread at 4:30 in the morning?" She didn't respond.

I shook her shoulder to get her attention. Her head snapped up at me, the looked back down at herself in confusion. "Mikey...?" She sounded sleepy. "Why the fuck am I putting jelly on a single piece of bread? What time is it?" I was surprised to say the least.

"Baby, I think you were sleepwalking!" I started laughing raucously. She facepalmed and giggled. "Holy shit, why did my subconscious brain decide this was the best thing to do at 4:30?" She laughed out. "I don't know, but I think we should get back to bed," I suggested. "Yeah, sounds good to me," the love of my life agreed. 

Then she went back to the kitchen to put everything where it belongs before coming back to bed and snuggling up to me, this time closing the goddamn door. It was a night we'll never forget.

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