Gerard x reader (Nightmares)

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"We're coming."

You laid your phone down and frantically glanced around the room. You didn't recognize the voice that had called you, but the same unknown number called you again.

"We're at your door. Why won't you let us in?"

That wasn't the same voice you heard earlier. This time, it was Gerard, your boyfriend.

"B-babe..?" You you stared at the device, but they had hung up already. "G-guys!?" You shouted into the hallway as you gathered the courage to leave your room. "This isn't funny anymore!" Your voice cracked as you quietly made your way to the front door. "Guys, I swear if you're prancing me..." You let your voice trail off as your hand reached out to the door knob. You took a deep breath, realizing how stupid you were acting. It was probably just a stupid prank Gerard thought of while he and the guys were at band practice. Once you came to terms with this, you opened the door.

You were wrong. You saw about fifteen people in black robes on your doorstep. Their hoods were up, so you couldn't see anyone's face. But their leader was different. He wore a red robe and his hood was high enough so you could see his face. It was Gerard, but he had bloodstains all over him. You soon realized that his robe was indeed white, but stained with some sort of blood. Judging by the smile he had plastered onto his face, the blood was probably a human's.

He slowly raised his hand to put one finger over his mouth, still smiling that horrifying smile. He hissed out a quick "Shhhh!" That sent shivers down your spine. Then, two of the closest cloaked people raised their heads to reveal two mangled faces. They looked like they had spent years burning in terrible fires in the deepest pits of hell. Then, they grabbed each of your wrist with mangled and burned hands. Perfectly synchronized mangled and burned hands.

You felt a tear run down your cheek as Gerard pulled a long, sharp knife out of his pocket. You choked back a sob. 

"Shhh, sugar, it's okay," he assured you with that same, sickening smile. He slowly moved he knife up to your neck. You screamed out-

"Y/n! Y/N!" You jolted awake to your boyfriend Gerard. He wasn't in a bloodstained robe anymore, rather, in his favorite Star Wars pj's. And he wasn't clutching a knife either, both of his hands were gently holding your face, wiping away tears.

"Baby? Y/n, what happened?" His tone was soft as he moved his arms around your body. You sniffles as you nuzzled your head into the crook of his neck. "I-I had a nightmare t-that you were in a cult and you had blood all over you and you were slitting my neck and-" He cut you off. "It's okay, sugar, I'm not in a cult and I'm not gonna slit your neck." He pulled away to look at you. You smiled at each other. "Thanks, Gee," you mumbled, laying back down. "You're welcome. Now, goodnight sweetheart. Love you. And maybe try sweet dreams this time, kay?" "Mkay, Gee. Love you, too. Goodnight"

And with that, you fell asleep in each other's arms. There were no more dreams about cults slitting your neck while you screamed because Gerard was there to protect you.

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