Mikey Way x reader (sleepover part 2)

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Narrator's POV

After a moment of pure bliss, Mikey was the one to pull away first. Both of you smiled at each other before he spoke in one big breath,

"Y'know, you don't necessarily have to sleep in the living room with them."

You smiled wider and giggled, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, uh, if you- if you want, we could share my bed..." He seemed extremely flustered and embarrassed, but luckily for him, you found that really adorable.

"Yeah, sure." As soon as you said that, his head popped up with a smile on his face. 

"Um, so I guess whenever you get tired, you can just tell me and I'll, uh, I guess I'll... c-come with you...?" He looked down in embarrassment again, but you put your hand on his cheek and gently guided his head upwards again.

"Yeah, that'd be great." You grabbed his hand and walked back towards the living room, where nobody seemed to notice you and Mikey had ever left. Until Frank saw you both, that is.

"Ooooooohh, what were you two doing alone?" Frank called. You and Mikey couldn't help but smile a bit and look down at yourselves. He tried to pull his hand away from yours, but instead you gripped his tighter. He immediately gave up and tightened his grip as well, causing you both to blush and smile bigger.

"OH MY GOD DOES MY BABY BROTHER HAVE A... A... OH, I CANT SAY IT!" Gerard over exaggeratedly gasped. 

"THEY GROW UP SO FAST, FRANK!" He dramatically put his hand over his forehead and pretended to faint. Everyone, except Gerard, of course, laughed.

"Okay but are you two seriously dating?" Ray asked with a huge grin on his face. You and Mikey turned to look at each other, silently questioning whether or not you were in a relationship. After a moment of staring at the other's faces as red as Danger Days Era Gerard Way's hair, you both silently made a decision. 

You turned to Ray and nodded, your smile bigger than the Pacific Ocean. Ray's face immediately lit up before he screamed "YES! I TOLD YOU SO! YOU BOTH OWE ME 20 BUCKS MOTHERFUCKERS!" Gerard and Frank just rolled their eyes and sighed. At first, you had no idea what was going on, but Mikey made it clear when he asked, "Wait, you were betting on us?" 

Before any of them could answer, you knew you were done with their shit for the night. 

"Mikes, I think I'm tired already," you smiled and turned to him. 

He returned the smile and replied, "Yeah, I think I am, too." Then, without another word, he turned around and guided you to his room. You could hear the guys calling you to come back, but you didn't care. 

After Mikey lead you down the hall and into his bedroom, you both kinda stood there for a minute, not exactly knowing what to do. 

"I can go get changed in the bathroom if you wanna get changed in here," Mikey offered.

"Yeah, that'd be awesome, lemme just go get my bag from the living room real quick." 

~Time skip brought to you by my uninspiredness~ 

Now you were in your pajamas in Mikey's bed waiting for him. You weren't quite sure if you were shivering in nervousness or because the room was too cold. Either way, you wanted him to hurry up. 

After a few minutes, you hear a know at the door. 

"(Y/n), are you dressed?" It was Mikey.

"Yeah," you answered. 

He opened the door now in his own pajamas, and smiled when he saw you in his bed. 

"What?" You asked.

"Nothing, you just look really cute." 

He turned off the lights before crawling into bed with you. One problem: you were scared of the dark. 

"Um, Mi-Mikey?" You whispered.

"Yeah, (Y/n)?" You could practically hear him smiling through his own whisper.

"I'm, uh... I'm kinda scared of the dark..." 

He thought a minute before, instead of replying verbally, he just hugged you as (much as he could while laying down) and pulled you closer to him. You smiled in the darkness, already feeling safer in his arms, before you hugged him back. You two cuddled until you fell asleep in each other's embrace.

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