Mikey Way x reader (sleepover)

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(Just sayin this is gonna be a long-ish one, but there will still be a part two!)

"(Y/N)!!!!" Frank squealed as he dragged you inside. Tonight was the first time you had been invited to movie night at the Ways'. As you saw it, there were only two possible reasons they'd never invited you before. Either it was because you were the only girl in the group, or the fact Mikey acted so strange around you. It was weird, the guys always described him as a reckless nerd, but he always acted so distant and cold when you were around. You were pretty sure he hated you. Whatever it was, you were excited to finally come to a famous Way sleepover. 

As soon as Frank had dragged you through the door, Gerard popped up from his spot on the floor and tackled you in a hug. 

"Fuck, Gerard, you're suffocating me," you wheezed out. 

"Uh, sorry," Gerard apologized as you shoved him off of you. 


You turned your head and was met with a cheese ball colliding with your cheek. There was a chorus of laughter, which you joined after a moment of glaring at Ray, who threw the delicious weapon. You noticed Mikey was poker faced, per usual. But you had a plan. You were gonna get Mikey to show his true self tonight.

You sat your bag down on the couch and tiptoed over to Mikey. 

"So, watcha playing?" 

He jumped a bit at your sudden appearance, but answered none the less. 

"Uh, ju-just, uh, Legend Of Zelda. You?" 

Wow. You were surprised about how awkward he was, and he didn't seem to hate you at all. He was even a little... shy? And, to be totally honest, his stuttering was kinda cute. 

"I'm not playing anything, ya goof,"  you laughed a bit at his embarrassed reaction. 

"Oh, heh, uh, sorry... Uh, we have snacks in the kitchen if you want any. And, uh, if you wanna play a two-player game with me, I can pick something else."

You thought he was cute before, but oh my god the stuttering. It was clear you had a crush on him. 

"Yeah, hold up, though. Imma get a snack real quick."

Mikey's POV

"Oh, heh, uh, sorry... Uh, we have snacks in the kitchen if you want any. And, uh, if you wanna play a two-player game with me, I can pick something else." 

Idiot. Idiot. Idiot. You fucking awkward idiot. She's really cute and funny and cool and you just fucked up any of your chances with her. She probably thinks  you're weird! Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck-

"Yeah, hold up, though. Imma get a snack real quick." 

Did she just say she'll play a game with me? Oh my ever-loving god. What if I actually have a chance with her?

I  got up and took Legend Of Zelda out of the console before browsing  the rest of our video game gallery. It took a few minutes, but I found the perfect game. Super Mario World. I exchanged the games' places and booted it up before plopping back on the couch in front of the T.V. 

Your POV

When I came back into the living room, Mikey was putting in some video game and the others were talking on the other, larger couch. I walked over to Mikey, still shoving a donut in my mouth. 

"Heufh," my voice was muffled through the donut. Mikey turned to me, a smile on his face. I wished he would smile at me more, his smile made my stomach flutter. 

"I, uh, put in Super Mario World in if you wanna play with me." I could tell he was starting to get more comfortable with me, and every time he looked at me, I could feel my little "crush" getting bigger. (That's what she said) 

"Hell yeah, I'll play." I sat down on the couch while he grabbed the controllers. When he walked back to me and handed me my controller, the room became silent. Neither of us noticed, our eyes had "accidentally" made contact and, for that moment, as corny as it sounds,  it felt like only we existed. But, that wasn't the case. Gerard, Frank, and Ray still existed, and they shipped us. Hard. 

Narrator's POV

But, your moment was interrupted when the others came out of their temporary shock. Frank wolf whistled while Ray shouted, "Get a room, lovebirds!" Gerard, on the other hand, just laughed.

"I, um... I-I'm sorry..." Mikey mumbled before walking off to where you assumed was his room. 

"Wait, Mikey!" You shouted, running after him. 

Before he was halfway through the hallway, you caught up to him and grabbed his arm. His head jerked back with a look of utter shock and a little bit of terror. You felt a little bad for scaring him like that, so you loosened your grip before letting go of his arm altogether. 

"I'm sorry, Mikey, I didn't think..." you trailed off, not knowing what to say. You stared at the ground for a while, before glancing up at him. He was looking at you, his eyes glancing over each of your features. You shyly smiled, and he returned to gesture. 

You noticed his glasses were a little crooked, so you decided to straighten them. While you adjusted them, you couldn't help but notice how calm Mikey looked. After you straightened them up, you kept  your hands on his glasses for a while, enjoying being this close to him. Apparently he enjoyed it too, because he reluctantly put his hands on your hips. Again, you made eye contact, and the butterflies in your stomach returned. 

Both of you decided to take a risk. You leaned you head in a little bit, and then a little bit more, and then a little bit more. At the same time Mikey leaned his head in a little bit, and then a little bit more, and then a little bit more, until your lips gently met. 

(Part two coming whenever I feel like it!) 

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