Chapter 8

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Leias P.O.V

Mum and dad only just left and I was scared for what might happened to them, we got a text from Jaime telling us that he needed to meet us at the park so we had to sneak our way downstairs.

"Hey, Tino! Jake and I are going to grab some food and we will be right back okay!" I yelled and he nodded, not realising he had just let us out when there are killers on the loose.

Jake and I made it down the back entrance stairs and too the basement which no one knows about Except the people who live here, since we built it.

"Hey, Jake. We are gonna be okay." I said to him as he shook as he climes down the stairs and out the door.

"Yeah, I know. It's just that if we don't make it. I want you to know that I think I love you." He said, stopped walking and looked at the ground.

My whole world spun infront of me as the guy standing infront of me, my childhood friend just confessed his feelings for me.

I think he got sad and was starting to regret saying so when he was about to say something my lips caught his and there were fireworks going off in my stomach.

"I think I love you" I said and his dorky smirk turned into a smile.

"Princess Leia, would you do me the honour of being my girlfriend and together we can fight off the bad guys and defend the Galaxy?" He said really cheekily and I just smiled like a weirdo and kissed him.

"Taco, I would love to be your girlfriend and fight off the bad guys and defend the Galaxy with you as long as you can cook me some of grandma fuentes special Mexican tacos!" I said and we both laughed.

"I can not wait to tell my father what just happened" I heard a voice say from behind the fence, making us both turn our heads quickly.

The person emerged from behind the fence holding a small object in their hand and I barrel in the other. Oh no.

"What do you want Matthew." I spat and he just laughed.

"Nothing really, it's not you that's the problem, it's your happiness." My father wasn't allows to live a happy life so that meant Carson couldn't either. Now that she has had you, that gave her a reason to be happy and we wouldn't want anything bad to happen to her now would we?" He smirked and flicked at the object. A lighter?

"I hope you're happy because you happiness has just caused a lot more damage than we had thought it would" Lindsay appeared from behind him also holding a barrel.

"Is that petrol?" Jake said, sniffing the air and covered his nose with the shirt, making me do the same.

"Happiness comes with a price." Layla and Robnie said simultaneously as Matthew flicked the lighter once more and dropped it at the foot of the house. Oh no.

"What the hell!" I yelled but it was too late, the petrol had started to ignite and catch onto the house, slowly making its way to the attic. THE ATTIC!

"FIRE! FIRE!" We both screamed while the four figures infront of us laughed and walked away.

I saw the roof start to collapse and I couldn't think straight anymore, my vision was becoming clouded by thick black smoke.

Didn't think they would go this far. But I don't think they are stopping there. I have a feeling that mum and dad are probably dead too so what is the point in living.

Soon I felt my feet leave the ground and my body being lifted away somewhere.

I opened my eyes, try it to see again and I saw Jake was holding me in his arms and crying.

"Leia, please, I can't loose you!" He said as tears streamed down his face.

I lifted my hand and brought it to his cheek. "Im not going anywhere" I said with a small, weak smile but it was enough to let him know I was okay.

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