Chapter 16

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Carson's P.O.V

Mike and I rode back into the venue with some bags of food we brought after I got my tattoo done since they hadn't brought any food for the bus.

We put the boards under the bus and walked into the main room to see Jaime and Vic and doing a live stream.

"Speaking of the devil, Mike has just got back from the shop!" Jaime said and Vic turned the laptop to show Mike but in the process also showing me.

I finished putting everything away and went and sat between Tony and Vic.

The comments in the video were blowing up with questions about me. It was then that I forgot they don't know who I am so I'll let one of the guys explain before I stuff it up.

"Woah, calm down. Stop sending in hate towards our new friend here!" Jaime said some of the comments were replying saying sorry and meaningless shit like that.

"Hey my name is Carson and I'm just a friend of the band! I think there is a video on YouTube somewhere of me singing hold on May with the band when they came to my school a little while ago so look for that and that might explain whatever it is that you want to know." I said and the people in the comments were posting links to what I think is the video.

"Today's livestreams has been fun guys! We will make another one at the end of the tour answering some more of your questions! Byeeeee" we all shouted by at the last minute and shut down the laptop.

"Why do you have a bandages in your wrists! Please tell me you didn't do what I think you did!" Vic said worriedly making the whole band except Mike who was smirking in the corner come over to investigate my wrists.

"Chill out guys, I didn't harm myself" I said and the tension in the air evaporated.

"Then why do you have bandages?" Jaime said and so I took them off revealing my four, newly tattooed Nina turtles.

"This is why Mike and I said we wanted to go to the 'shop' " I said and they all 'oh'ed'.

" that our names?" Tony said while looking at the red ninja turtles mask.

"Yeah, I got the tattoo artist to put your names in each of the masks." I said and they all tried to see which on their was.

"Jaime, you're Leonardo. Vic, you are Michelangelo. Tony, you are Raffael and Mike is Donatello" I said and they all like which turtles they got.

"Yesterday I said I was going to see Kellin so see you guys later." I said, grabbing my pass and walking off the bus and over to sleeping with sirens.

"Hey kellin" I said and we fist bumped.

"Matty just Called me and said he has gotten really sick and he has had to go on vocal rest, meaning he can't sing his parts for 'congratulations' when we play tomorrow. I would get someone else to do it but I know how high your voice can go so I wanted to know if you wanted to fill in for him until he is able to sing?" He said really fast and my eyes widened.

"Yeah, sure. Just text me when you guys go for sound check tomorrow and I'll be right there! Thanks Kellin" I said and left to go back to my bus.

I walked back on and ran into my bunk, smashed my face into my pillow and screamed as loud as a possibly could.

Once I stopped I looked up to see that the band was looking at me with worried expressions.

"I GET TO SING WITH SLEEPING WITH SIRENS TOMORROW LIKE HOW DID THIS EVEN HAPPEN?!?!" I shouted excitedly and they all relaxed again knowing I wasn't screaming for a bad reason.

"What song?" Tony said And I thought I would just sing back the answer.

"Congratulations" I sung and he laughed at me.

"You're going to do great tomorrow!" He said and kissed my forehead, making me blush.

"Thanks Tony" I said and kisses his cheek.

"I'm going to watch nightmare before Christmas with Mike in the back room tonight but I promise I will come and cuddle afterwards." I said and at first he frowned when I mentioned I would be alone with Mike in the back room but he got all happy when I said I would cuddle.

"Yay! Cuddle buddies!" He said and spun me around in circles.

"Put her down tone, I want her to be able to actually watch the movie without having an injury." Mike said and dragged me into the back room.

"See you later turtle!" I shouted to him as the door slid shut.

"What's the rush Mike?" as soon as I said that he forcefully came onto me and tried to kiss me.

I just screamed and tried to open the door hoping he wouldn't do this to me. I slid down the wall and made myself as small as possible.

This had happened at school once before and I don't want to have to go though all of that pain again.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" Vic said as he pushed his brother backwards and pinning him down to the couch while Tony tried to take me away.

Tony picked me up and took me away from Mike and Vic, telling Jaime to make sure Vic is okay.

"Why would somebody do that?" I whispered quietly once I was in Tony's bunk with him lying next to me, holding me tightly.

"I don't know, Carson. He looked highly intoxicated. Maybe he didn't know what he was doing" Tony re assured me but I couldn't smell or taste any alcohol on his breath.

"You need some rest, you have a big day tomorrow" Tony said and started to hum his guitar parts for hold on till may, making me fall into a shaky sleep.

"Tony?" I mumbled and I got a 'huh' in reply.

"I can't sleep." I said and I felt him nod, then he made sure everyone was asleep before helping me out of his bunk and off the tour bus.

"Where do you want to go?" He said and I pointed over to a small forest area with a small lake in the middle.

"Wow!" Tony said and I lay down in the long, soft grass.

"Look at the stars" I said and pointed to the southern cross which is known in Australia since it is in our flag.

"I really like you Tony" I said and he rolled his head to look at me.

"As more then a friend" I added quieter, hoping this wasn't too soon.

"I really like you Carson" he said and my eyes went wide since that was not the reaction I was looking for.

"As more than a friend-" Tony was cut off by a loud banging noise coming from the direction of the venue. Gun shots and shouting.

Not again.

(Here you go Isobel! Was this the action you were looking for???)

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