Chapter 23

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Short chapter but it's something :)

Carson's P.O.V

I walked back to the venue after the car incident and made my way into the bus.

When I walked on, There were like five bands staring at me. And I just shook my head and avoided eye contact with Tony.

"Where have you been?" Vic shouted and I pointed everywhere.

"Around, I guess I just lost track of time and I my have fallen asleep under a table in the park two kilometres away."

They all gave me weird looks and I explained that I can get side tracked sometimes and walk for ages without knowing how far I have gone.

"I'm taking the back lounge today and I'm going to celebrate my nineteenth with heaps of junk food and movies." I said and grabbed my bedding and proceeded to the back room.

"Alan! Austin! Chris! Tay! Jenna! Tony! Jaime!" I shouted to the seven people who were in the bus and I asked them if they wanted to join my mini birthday party.

We all sat on the lounge and Tay and Jenna were on the floor.

From left to right, the order we sat in was Chris, Austin, Alan, Tony, me Jaime. Jenna put in nightmare before Christmas and then 500 days of summer and we all passed around soft drinks, candy and ice cream.

I looked to my right and saw Jaimes hand interlocked with mine and Tony's was the same on the left.

I sighed and fell into Tony's lap and started to fall asleep.

"I'm taking Carson to the sleeping with sirens bus to get some sleep, bye guys!" I heard Tony say and I realised it was nighttime once we left the bus.

The sleeping with sirens bus was empty because all of the bands had gone to either the ptv or fir bus for movies and whatnot so the SWS bus was free for the night.

Tony ran into the back room and threw me onto the bed that was there.

He jumped on next to me and we started laughing. "Seriously, where did you go today, I was worried sick about you!" I just shrugged.

"I have no idea, I just remember walking, then watching ducks in a pond, then talking to Sophia and Jacob in the sky, I fell asleep under a bench near the park then I found my way back here." He kissed me once I finished talking and we made out for a while.

I didn't mention what happened in the car to Tony because I know he would flip out so its best to not say anything.

Soon all of our clothes were thrown everywhere *a/n insert frikkle frakkle here* and we were holding eachother, trying to catch our breath.

"Wow" Tony breathed and I just giggled into his bare tattooed chest.

"This has been one interesting birthday. One I'll never forget" I breathed and I fell asleep next to Tony with guilt lacing everything I said and did.

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