Chapter 20

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On the side or above is one of my favourite parts from the movie finding nemo :)

Carson's P.O.V

Tony and I were skating down the road, hand in hand and talking about music.

"You should start a band or at least join one!" Tony said for the fifth time but I just shook my head.

"No one would want me in their band and even if they did I would probably let them down, I mean, I can't really sing like a pro" I pushed off of the ground again as we went over a bump in the road.

"Carson, you can fucking scream! Do you know how many girls can do that?" He shouted and I looked at him and shrugged not knowing if it was rhetorical or not.

"Not many, and you can sing. Trust me, Vic and Kellin would not have let you on stage if you couldn't sing." He said and I nodded knowing he was probably right.

"Look, isn't that the Chinese place you always talk about?" Tony pointed over to a small row of shops and I nodded as we skated over to observe the shop more closely.

"I want Chinese" we both said at the same time and we started laughing at eachother before picking up our boards and walking into the store.

We brought a box of fried rice for us to share as we set off on or our boards again for our original destination. The beach.

See, we both wanted to see if there were turtles in the beach like in the dreams so we decided to just go anyway.

We laid out our towels on the soft sand and ate our food in silence but a comfortable one.

The sound of the wave crashing against the shore and the wind blowing through the trees was peaceful.

I finished eating and laid down next to Tony who was already laying down, looking at. The stars.

"So what are we?" He said and I shrugged. He couldn't see me so made a little I don't know noise.

"What do you want us to be?" I said, hopefully not getting myself friend zoned.

"Well I like you. A lot" he said and looked at his hands that were tracing the stars.

"And I like you. A lot" I said back and we rolled our heads to look at eachother.

"Carson, would you maybe like to be my girlfriend?" He stuttered and I nodded.

"Yes" I said and he pulled me into a short, sweet kiss.

"Oh my god Tony, look" I sat up and pointed to the small trail of baby turtles crawling towards to ocean.

"Oh my god" Tony said as we slowly crawled over there to watch them.

He laid down on our stomachs and rested our heads on our hands so we could watch the turtles from eye level.

One of the turtles stopped infront of me and started doing a little dance.

I pointed towards the water and it started to waddle off. Tony laughed at me and I realised he was recording the whole thing.

"We should get back, it's getting late" I said and he nodded as I checked his bag for turtles before we left.

"Thanks for the fun night. I really loved it" I said and he wrapped and arm around me as we walked back to the venue instead of riding so we could spend as much time together as possible.

We walked back into the bus and saw all the guys were passed out in the main room and coralline was playing on the TV.

Vic was holding the remote so I assumed it was him who forced them into watching that movie.

I had a shower,washed my hair, threw on some pyjamas and crawled into Tony's bunk with him, falling asleep almost instantly.

The next morning I woke up to my phone blowing up with notifications and no Tony beside me.

I saw a note taped to the bunk and read it.

'Had to meet with Kevin to discuss a set change, be back soon! -Tony ;)'

I decided to check why my phone was beeping at me and my eyes went wide when I saw what it was.

It was the video Tony took last night, he posted it to Instagram with the caption being 'watching turtles dance with @CarsonMiles' which when I watched the video I was laughing at the little turtle infront of me.

I knew it would be a bad idea but I started to scroll through the comments and saw some nice ones saying that I was pretty, some of them talking about the turtle, some fa girls asking if I was Tony's girlfriend and then the obvious hate comments which I just ignored and shit off my phone.

I got dressed and grabbed my pass before heading off the bus.

I made my way to Memphis may fires bus and knocked on the door.

'Hey matty!" I said and he pulled me into a hug.

"Hey Carson! How are you?" He quizzed and I replied with good.

"Are you good to perform today because I don't think I could do it again" I said honestly and he nodded.

"My voice is all good now but promise you will watch side stage yeah?" He said and I nodded as he walked off in the direction of the stages while I continued down the row of buses.

I went and saw Alice, Tonight Alive, We are the in crowd and motionless in white before I got tired of walking and went back to the bus to search up what time matty was playing.

"Hey Carson!" Jaime said as he came out of the back lounge. I didn't know they were back.

"Hey Jaime. I thought you were at a meeting with Kevin?" I said and he nodded.

"We were, but I came back to get some food. Our set has been swapped with we are the in crowds so that means we play later today." He said and I nodded.

"I also saw that dancing turtle video" he said and my eyes went wide.

"Oh, yeah, that video" I said and tried to hide my embarrassment.

"You two would be really cute together" he said, looking up and thinking.

I muttered under my breath "we already are" but Jaime just had to have super sonic hearing and started yelling.

"Okay, okay, he asked me to be his girlfriend last night but just please don't let the others know yet because that's up to Tony to tell them." I said and he nodded, zipping his lips and throwing away the key.

"Wanna watch a movie?" He said and I nodded.

"How about toy story?" He said again and we out the movie in.

Jaime and I were intensely reciting everything in the movie trying to see who know the most lines. Jaime knew the most though because I was just mumbling.

I started to get tired again and fell asleep on Jaimes lap.

Before I could fall under sleeps spell, I heard the click of a camera go off and I saw Tony standing there with a camera.

"You guys looked to cute" he said and I saw the Jaime had his head back asleep. I took it that tiny wasn't annoyed that I was laying in Jaime so I just fell asleep listening to the credits of toy story.

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