Heart to Heart

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A week later

Tom arrived to the arena carpooling with Baron. Tonight Tom would be in a match against former friend Finn Balor. Him and Finn had an enormous fallout after he debited on Raw and demolished Seth and harassed Becky. No one knew about Becky and Tom's night they ham8ned. Tom walked to his locker room and bumped into Finn, who placed a hand on his shoulder. "Tom... What's gotten into your head? I remember when you and I met yo-" "I was a weak pathetic fool! I was nobody. I was serving food for the big dogs. Now I'm eating at the table Fergal. And I'm taking payback on that devil Rollins. He ruined my life. So now I will ruin his and anyone's who gets in my way. So move" he barked and walked to his room. He changed his street clothes and put his ring attire for the night on.

He decided to leave his entrance attire back at the hotel so he decided to wear just his ring gear

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He decided to leave his entrance attire back at the hotel so he decided to wear just his ring gear. He went to see Alexa but he was stopped again, this time by Becky. "You're the last person I would expect to stop me" he says and sits on a crate on front of her. "Tom. I can't believe I slept with you. It felt so good but it was wrong. I'm with Seth and I love him but seeing you again" she said stopping and touching his beard. "You look like your dad with that beard" she smiles a bit and holds his hand. "You want me don't you" he says giving a light smile. "A smile. I haven't seen one of those since we were kids" she points out and hears footsteps and talking. "I'll come to your hotel tonight. We need to talk" she says and quickly walks away. "No I clearly told him. I wanted a large. Not a-" Seth gets cut off on the phone by seeing Tom. "I'll call you back" he says and walks up to him, who got up and stared down Rollins. "Look. I don't know what your deal is, but stay. Away. From. Rebecca" he warns and puts his finger in his face. Tom slapped his finger out his face. "Bitch don't get in my face. I do what I want. And you stole that woman from me. So I'm gonna ruin your life you bastard" Tom retaliated and pushed past him to head to the ring for his match against Finn. Lucifer began the match by walking up to Finn and giving Finn a throat chop, causing Finn to gasp and cough which allowed Lucifer to throw him in the corner and give him a barrage of punches to the body. He imagined he saw Seth when he punched him. Lucifer took some time to smirk and taunt the fans. When he turned around he ate a dropkick from Balor. Finn hit a double stomp and covered only for a 2 count. Lucifer was trying to catch his breath, rolling to the outside. Finn rebounded on the ropes and hit a Tope con Hilo on Lucifer and flexed in front of the crowd. He threw Lucifer back in the ring and slid back in. He got the Prince of Shadows up to his feet and tried to hit a suplex on him but Lucifer knees him in the gut three times and ends up giving Finn a Tombstone Piledriver and pins him the 3 count. His music plays and looks at the stage. He walks to the back and bumps into the IIconics ranting about. Tom was pissed off and the moment they spoke to him, he exploded. "SHUT UP YOU AUSTRALIAN CUNTS!!" He yells and walks away and goes to his lockerroom to shower and puts his street clothes on. He gets out and gets set to go back to his hotel and relax. Half an hour later he hears a knock in his door and opens to see Becky. "Hi" she said and came in quick. He shut the door quickly and sits on the bed tossing Becky a water. She sits across from him sipping the water. "How did you convince Colby?" He asked quirking an eyebrow. "I told him I needed some girl time" she said and looks at him. "Tom.. these past days, I've never felt more alive than all this-" he stopped her with his finger on her lips. "Why do you keep saying you love Him? You know he abandoned his fiancee for a girl who was a Nazi sympathizer" he stated to her. "He may act nice with you, but he is going to hurt you... like he hurt me. He took you from me. I always wanted to tell you how I felt and I was always thwarted. When you and him started dating, it broke me and I wanted to hurt you both. But not anymore. I want you" he finished and touches her face. "Why do you love me?" She asks him again and cups his face. "Because I loved you when you met my dad and he loved you and I playing as kids" he admits and kisses her. Becky kisses back and smiles as she kisses her childhood friend, knowing she was treading on dangerous ground.

Heart of Darkness (Becky x Seth x OC)Where stories live. Discover now