SMUT : ???

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prompts: “that wasn’t funny, you dickhead!”, “don’t stop”, and “i got you”

warnings: smut (very soft tho!)

since you’re having a long and stressful day, you decided to take a hot shower to unwind. tom is in the kitchen reading through a new script while you do. well, he was until he snuck into the bathroom just a few seconds ago. he waits until he’s sure you’ve turned around, then reaches his hand inside the shower and makes the water cold.

“fuck, fuck, fuck! what? how-“ you yelp and step away. you hear giggling from the other side of the shower curtain. “tom? if that was you…” “oh, it was. needed a good laugh after reading through all those sides.” “that wasn’t funny, you dickhead! now the water is gonna take forever to heat up again and i’m freezing!” “want me to get in there and warm you up then?” tom’s tone is cheeky. you both already know the answer to that. “please.”

tom undresses and pulls the curtain aside to get in. once he does, he just stands there like the tease he is. “better?” he asks. you shake your head. tom pulls you to his chest and rests his chin on top of your head. “now?” you hum in response. “sorry for being a dickead,” he mumbles against your hair. “you can make it up to me.” “with more hugs?” “not that i don’t love your hugs, but i have something else in mind.” “do tell,” tom prompts you. “it’s easier if i show.”

you move so you’re leaning against the wall. tom catches on and pins you to it. he dips his head down and places a kiss on the tip of your nose before pressing his lips to yours sweetly. you smile into the kiss and thread your fingers through his recently shortened curls. “can you jump for me?” you do as tom asks. he catches you and wraps your legs around his waist. “there. i got you,” he breathes. you play with the curls at the nape of his neck while he lines himself up.

“you’re okay with everything, yeah?” tom‘s voice is soft. “of course.” “let me know if you want me to stop or change what i’m doing. like always.” you nod. he rests his forehead against yours and slides himself into you. his thrusts start off slow, but they’re perfect. “god, tom. don’t stop. ever.” he lets out a low moan and keeps the pace steady. your hands trail down to the back of his neck.

tom lifts your legs up higher so he can thrust into you at a deeper angle. “fuck, oh my god,” he manages to speak. “baby,” you moan. the way it feels when tom takes his time might be one of the best feelings you’ve ever had. “c’mon, pretty girl,” he coaxes you, nipping at your ear gently. his voice in your ear and chest against yours is enough to push you over the edge. it doesn’t take tom too long to reach his high either.

he puts you down after and presses one more light kiss to your forehead. “let’s finish cleaning you up now.” he gives you a toothy grin. you give him one back. “let’s start with you, dickhead.

another one bites the dust ! (peter parker/tom holland) Where stories live. Discover now