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So I was walking down the hallway, then all of a sudden, BOOM, my books hit and splatter all over the place. My algebra book at the door, my reading book on my foot, my binder under a broken desk in the hallway, and my science book in front of the school bully's locker, which I have never seen any kind of book at, in, or in front of his locker. The ear piercing bell rang, I was late. Which meant I was late for the most feared teacher's class, Mrs.Dravin. She wore her glasses to the tip of her pointy nose, her think long brown hair was always in a bun, and it seemed that she always wore a red blazer with red dress pants and a floral shirt. If you was late for her class you better hope that she was in a good mood. I walked slow into her class waiting for death to swoop in and take me. But to my luck she had strep, and a bad case of it to. The sub was Miss Carmike, she is nothing like Mrs.Dravin, she had no glasses, she had short black hair and a variety of clothes. I walked into my fourth block period, then I got that question that I usually heard from Mrs.Dravin "Johnathan where were you?" except no Johnathan just "young man where have you been?" Well to that question I answered I answered " My books fell everywhere by Tim Worth, he didn't help me pick them up." After that she asked Tim "Is that true Mr. Worth, did you not help Mr. Darwin?" Tim was speechless, so he just shook his head up and down in the yes motion. After their DGP (daily grammar practice) they went to lunch. I saw the biggest bully in school, Sally Malitine, she is the most feared person in school, even the man bully is scared of her the man bully is Dan Tampiline. I went through the line and what was their to eat, nasty chicken pot pie, yuck! All I ate was the flavorless bread that comes with it. When it was time to leave the principal came on for the afternoon announcements, " Good afternoon students and staff, the football game is going to be delayed today, the softball and soccer game is going to be held at vancular middle school tomorrow at 3:04 and don't forget about our gentworth high football game vs zadtuth high on Friday at 7:00 gooooooo owls! and for other announcements the annual fall picture day is going to be this Friday and as always do your best and see you bright and early tomorrow morning have a good day." After the announcements that ear piercing ring came on and I shot out of the door of Dr.Hamiltons science room straight to my locker, locker number 54 I go my faded out blue book bag and put all my books in it then went with my friend that is a flute player, Gayle Friday, to the band room to get her flute, well I play percussion and between you and me I really like her. Then we went to the car rider ramp and talked to our other friends. My grandma's brown Ford pulled up at 3:25 that was usual to me, even though school lets out at 2:55 but hey we have to meet my aunt at the gas station for my sister anyway. When I got home I did my homework and played on new smart phone. Then I had supper which was hamburgers and homemade fries. Now I'm here wrighting about my day.

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