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Today is Friday and it is picture day, I am wearing a black button up shirt and blue jeans with a black belt. I sit in my first block math class, then these eight graders come bursting in and tells us its time to get our pictures taken. We all trudge in silently one behind another, me being a middle dude, not tall not short, just right. I see Mindy Hinkerbergen get up now it's my turn, the say smile and I do and the flash blinds me. I get up looking like a zombie all I can see is spots on the blue and gold whale. The whale is our mascot and the blue and gold is our school colors. We walk back to our 7th grade math class. After Mr. Carter's class I go to Spanish then I go to gym then lastly Band. Then I go to Mrs. Haster's class for social studies. Then Miss Carmike class but Mrs.Dravin was back, she told us that we had to wright a 50 word essay, correct grammar and double spaced, about how to treat a substitute. Then we went to lunch we had hamburgers fries and mash potatoes. Then when we went back to Mrs.Dravin I heard my biggest pet peeve I heard from Danielle Devenail the word "Y'all" so I stood up and yelled "IT IS NOT Y'ALL IT IS YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!" I was so mad but I got an assignment that after I said that to Danny I heard it for the witch from Mars Mrs.Dravin " Johnathn Tyler Darwin, you wright a 500 word essay about yelling at a classmate and look up the origin and the meaning of y'all, and Mr. Darwin you have the who weekend to do this. Do you understand?" I answered back "I .......I......I....." "Do you understand?" Well I was speechless because by that time her glasses was practically on my nose so I just nodded my head. "I expect it on my desk on Monday." By that time I was just nodding my head to everything she said. Then I was pale the fourth period and when that bell rang the janitor had to practically pick me up and take me to science class because I was frozen. Then when I got home we went to the football game and we won! And now here I am at 11:45 wrighting about my day, I'm doing it late because I forgot.

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