Field of shadows

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     You open your eyes. Your fingers lingering on a leather book bag which hung over your shoulders. You felt no control of your own actions. You wore a black tang top. With jeans. Though. You don't recognize the textures. These aren't flowers. They're softer then the harsh flowers you had to wear. Goggles sat on your forehead

Fire blazes around you. You didn't look to see who was behind you. Probably a team of people. But you looked ahead. Groups of people. One girl who wore a brown trench coat and jean. Her eyes brown. And her hair long and nearly black. She held a small canon in her hand. A gun as she may call it. A few people were behind her. Maybe her team. Her crew. There was a group of four girls. One sparking with electricity. One that looks more like a cartoon then realistic. One that was holding a small gray box. An ability you couldn't feel was with her. The last. Looks a tad bit like a dragon. Fierce. And ready to kill. Of course. There was one last person. All by herself. A trip she made alone. A witches mark on her face and hands.

You very much had no clue what was going on.

Fear crept into your throat. You see a thing made of shadows. You didn't know if was a hand. A tail. What it was. It was just shadows. Your body didn't obey your commands. It didn't move. It didn't run. It just stayed still. Till the thing was seconds away from your body. You grabbed the strap. And grabbed it hard. As if your life depended on it. You kicked back. Something pulling you up. You could feel flaps. Gusts of wind. A whirring noise in your ear. You couldn't put your finger on what's happening. "It worked!" A familiar voice grins. You know you remember hearing it. It was on of two people. Luna or Ember. You knew that much.

"Get back," you beg without any prompting. The girl in the trench coat pulled it off. She wore a simple tang top underneath. And was running towards the beast. At the speed of light. Well. Not really. But really fast.

"Hey, Powerless, follow me," she demands. You dart after. Not holding back. Well. You turn around. People were blurred out. And you could only recognize two of the people. The only two who weren't blurred. Luna and Ember. Out of the corner of your eye. You can kinda see mechanical wings. Ember had something in her hands. Throwing it at you. You caught the holy of the sword. An emerald was embedded into the hilt. A grin across your face as your eyes gaze at the metallic blade. It shimmers a copper color. The hilt made of something that produces a gold shine. You place it into your leather hilt. Chasing after the girl. Who's name was on the tip of your tongue. Well. No. Not at all. You don't know her and doubt you ever will.

You see the girl shoot at a large ruby embedded in the center of the shadows. You pick up a throwing knife. You remember when you first got it. When life was simple. When you were ready to get your wings. Yet. You only got pain. Those scars probably remain on your back.

You touch the grass ties on the hilt of it. Dried. The blade made of stone. You kiss it. Throwing it at the ruby. A smirk across your face. That quickly faded as you see a shadow tentacle going to hit you.

It did. The shadows making contact with your skin. Throwing you against the wall. With a force so hard. You feigned unconscious.

It was all just a dream. As you wake up in a similar room. On a cloud like bed. With copper walls. And a simple wood flooring. You could hear talking in the other room.

"Did you seriously give them a leak of the future?"

"I did what I had to. You know I do what I must."

"You didn't have to do that. They don't need this."

"They're up. We should drop this in case they hear us."


"Are you finished with the food?"


You didn't hear anything else. Your door was also plenty closed. But the walls here are thin.

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