Cherry Blossom

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      You open your eyes. Looking around. You weren't in the realm with the shadow monster. No. A robot loomed over you. Their faceplate was a brilliant silver. Along with gold vents. She had bright cherry hair. Or what you assume is hair. It was curled and hanging around her shoulders and back. She wore a simple white blouse, made out of the finest of silk. Her stem green eyes stare into your soul. She wore brown leather fingerless gloves which touched your cheeks ever so gently. She had two bands around her waist. The top one is a light pink, like a cherry blossom. The bottom is a pastel green. She also had a brown silk skirt. A soft brown. As soft as her eyes. "Eh, this kiddo is actually up for once," she spoke. Her voice still soft. As soft as she is. No sharp point. She is the image of a princess. You don't see her as anything less of an angel.

"Kiddo has a name." Well. It's not really a name. More or less a title.

"Like I care, bucko, you meddled in my business." You had no clue what her business was. And once again. You had no control over your actions.

"And? It was an accident. Does it look like I cared what you do? I don't. I got my own issues that are much b-"

"GOSH DARN IT, YOU BROUGHT THE FUZZ." She screams. Punching you in the arm.

"Not any ol' fuzz," you recognize the voice. A fierce warrior. A worthy battle companion. The mysterious girl who wore that fedora and trench coat. You turn your head to see it was the very same girl. "It is I, Detective Biz,"

"And you're still as stupid as ever, even after gettin' the protection of those stupid Shadow Clan ruffians." You appear to be in the middle of a turf war.

"Calm down ladies," you beg. Spreading your hands. Going all Chris Prat on them, as if they were a bunch of raptors. And the sleuth was holding a gun. Pointed at the robot. Well. At you since you were in the middle of the two. "Let's talk it out, like I don't know, actual adults."

"Does it look like I was created yesterday?" Hisses the robot.

"Her name is Cherry Blossom, commonly known as Cherry Bomb. She was created 10 years ago, on the day March 20, 3031. Her creator is-"

"Is that my wiki page that you're spouting out? Who put my actual name on it?" The bot puffs. Steam escaping from her golden vents. In well large quantities. She took a knife from an inner leg compartment. And threw it at one of the people moving crates.

Is this a drug moving operation? What are you doing here? Why are you seeing the detective again?

"Calm down, deep breath. Cherry, Miss Biz. Maybe we can come to an agreement."

"Agreement my ass. This Gumshoe is better off a pancake." She growls.

"We are not going-"

"I'm going to lock you up, I just think that's da bomb."

"I'll blow up your office," she hisses.

"Hey. No one is killing anyone while I'm here." You growl. Glaring at the robot. Taking a knife an throwing it at her shoulder. "That's a warning shot, next time you're loosing an eye. Now stop."

Cherry looks at the knife in her arm. "Fine, mostly because you destroyed my favorite blouse."

"Now sit. Cherry. Tell me your occupations and abilities."

"She's one of the top drug dealers here, her territory is wide. With her drug ring so big. She's also running a mafia."

"Did I say that Miss Biz tells me about it? No. I said Cherry does. Now silence and wait your turn."

"My abilities, well, easy. I can calculate anything and everything in my head. I can also be very persuasive. Along with my own robotic strength."

"Now, miss biz, I know you're a detective. But what's your first name and your ability."

"I'm Carmen Biz, and I have a brilliant photographic memory. It's unfaltering in every way."

"Now. Cherry. Do me a favor and hit me in the head. I'll explain later. " you request. Before you knew it Cherry hit your head. So very hard. You fell unconscious.


The next thing you knew, you woke up with everyone surrounding you. That was weird. Cathy softly pokes your side. "You were out for so long.." she groans.

"You were indeed out longer then the others," Luna states. "Though, I doubt that means anything," a smile perks up across her face as she held out a hand.

And with that, this chapter. This dream. It means nothing. An serves no purpose to the story.

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