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We'll take a break from the story right here and do a recap.

It all started in a quaint fairy village. Where you wake up. For now I'll be using The Powerless instead of you.

Now The Powerless woke up in a quaint fairy village. Where later that day they will go through a ceremony to get their wings. And in that. Their back gets badly cut up to where they fall unconscious.

When they wake up again, they're in the care of The Oracle and The Smith. Who had previously gifted them with their throwing knives. The group exchanges some small talk. Until, basically, the fairy police come and try to get The Powerless to throw them in jail. Oracle and Smith, who are actually Luna and Ember, take The Powerless and run to a device. Luna and Ember also burned down their shack.

The device is called Sichat, and is a size changing transporter, and which is why the group is now in the couple's apartment.

Luna tells The Powerless to fall asleep. Where they soon experience a strange hyper realistic dream. Which reveals six mysterious girls. One of which they interact with to fight a shadow beast. You don't wake up till you get knocked out.

They wake up once more. And get offered a trip to the park. Though they have to wait due to Luna falling asleep. Where they look out the window. And witness a scorched fairy fall. Ember catches him and begins to nurse him back to health.

Luna wakes up from her nap and takes them to the park. Where she leaves them.

The Powerless ends up meeting Cathy, a demon street artist. In which a police officer starts chasing the two for some art she put up. She uses her shadow traveling magic to get the two to a tree.

Luna ends up finding you in the tree once the police officer gives up searching. Which surprises Cathy and causes her to fall out of the tree.

Luna takes the two back to the apartment. Where the nameless fairy wakes up. The fairy is quite agitated. Ember and Luna exchange some small talk. You, Cathy, and the fairy all fall asleep.

You end up having another hyper realistic dream. In which you meet an angelic robot and the girl you fought with. They both reveal their names. Later you wake up by being knocked unconscious.

In which brings you to my humble home.

It's not that complicated really.

Though. Forewarning. There will be quite the wait for the next chapter. A week or two at the least.

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