Battle Plan

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      Soon. You met eyes with Cathy. Cathy, Luna, and Bayou. Luna had shaken Mas awake and pulled him to Ember. You can here the door lock.

"Nice to see you again!" You grin. Hugging Cathy. Who hugged you back. Rubbing your back.

"We'll have to wait on the boss," Marvin shakes his head.

"CARMEN YOURE NEEDED HERE TOO!" Mas shouts. Carmen nods and walks on in without another word.

"And you too Bayou," Ember adds.

"Darn, I really liked talking to y'all," he chuckles. Leaving with a wave.

At least a few hours passed till they came out. "Ok, guys. We're going to have to brief you on a situation that's been going on." Ember sighs.

"Carmen you have the floor." Mas states.

"Ok, as you know. I'm the reason our two groups have united. Now. You might ask why. That's an easy answer. We're both after the same thing. And well. The fae group, is what I'm calling you, only two of the members knew everything going on. But again. On my part. I was supposed to be tracking down a creature of shadows. I call them The Blobs. We've recently caught one on our radars that is growing to a rather big size. And I was supposed to go kill it before it can get bigger. This might be the one that destroys everything. But I got side tracked by Cherry's drug moving operation. Where I met Powerless. Something just compelled me to go and get him back to wherever he came from. Now. I think Bayou should tell you the rest about this creature."

Bayou looks at Carmen and gives a small nod. "Now, I'm here to tell you what you're up against. This guy. He calls himself The Highest. That's really all anyone knows if they have ever heard of them. Now. I was held captive for many months. The only reason I'm free is because I used my water manipulation and to much energy. Now. The Highest takes simple gems and shadows. And combines them. So the gem is the heart. When you crush the heart. They're dead for good. There's no telling what else they can do. But. It is powerful. This one. Is probably the one to push his plan into play. Let all the puzzle pieces click. And. If we defeat it. Maybe. Just maybe. We can rest. Now. In order to fight it. And fight it properly. We'll need help. And. Help is simple. Mas says he knows a girl who is a pro at fighting these things. And I know four escapees who I have contact with who are powerful together. Mas has gone to get the chic and a few other members of his gang. I'm going to get the girls over there. Mas will come back to help shadow travel all of us over." Bayou states with confidence.

Everyone broke to talk amongst themselves. You can over hear Bayou, Cherry, and Carmen talking about battle tactics. Marvin and Calvin talking about how Calvin should sit on the sidelines. Cathy by your side. You two might not have talked much. But. You've grown close. Mas had ran off. And Bayou now getting up. Bidding Adieu to the ladies. To go contact the other parties.

Ember beckons for you. And of course, you follow. "I made this for you. Since you don't have wings." It's the back pack you saw in you dreams. You slipped it on.

"Thank you, Ember, I owe you a lot." You give such a sweet smile.

"Now you don't, you're helping us save the world." Ember laughs. Hugging you. Rubbing your back. "Plus, you're like our child now."

Soon. You'll have to go to battle. But you stay in the bliss of this moment. Surrounded by friends. No, you're surrounded by family.

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