849 31 4

Chaeyoung's Pov:

"Oooh~ This strawberry looks so sweet" I said as I pick another strawberry

"1...................19....20" I counted all the strawberries I picked today 

"Young Lady are you done picking strawberries" I heard someone's voice so I turned to who it was when I saw It was the farmer/owner of this farm

"Ah... Yes I was just counting all I picked ahjussi" I said to the farmer he then smiled

"Oh I see, Ah right I noticed that you have been visiting here lately? I've seen you every weekend why is that?"The farmer said I smiled and nodded

"Yes, Ahjussi I've been here every weekend and for me, I've been fund of picking strawberries It's making me relax and at the same time I can eat sweet strawberries" I said and chuckled I heard he laugh too.

"I'm happy that young people like you have been visiting my farm because I barely have seen young people like you on our farm It's maybe because they're with their school or do something else"He said Yeah I also noticed that I only saw adults here.

His strawberry farm is known to many people and they visit his farm but sometimes can't come since it's located at a province which is far from Seoul but I still come here since this new hobby of mine is what's makes me happy and enjoy

"Don't worry ahjussi, you'll see me here every weekend I'll visit this farm even tho it's far I can also help you pick strawberries and make strawberry jam" I suggested to him his face brightens.

"Really young lady? I'd be glad to accept your help thank you, you are such a kindhearted girl" He said I smiled and bowed showing thanks.

"So I will go now I have to go back to my wife to help her out have fun!"He said before he left such a nice ahjussi I carry the basket and started to pick strawberries again when...


I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket I immediately get my phone and answer the call


"Chaeyoung..." I know that voice and it that voice irritates me I decided to just stay quiet and hear whatever she'll say

"I know you're listening.....(sigh) you're father asked me to tell you to go to a boutique ................. in preparation for your wedding wit..." I immediately end the call not continuing what she said just now

There's no need to since I already know what she meant I called our manager and told him to pick me up here at the farm 

Not long the van arrived and my manager opened the door for me and I slowly get inside waiting for him to get back to his seat when all is settled.

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