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"We're back bitches!" Octavia screams throwing her arms in the air

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"We're back bitches!" Octavia screams throwing her arms in the air.

Air, oh how I forgot what fresh air felt like.

The delinquents all rush outside of the door, and I do to. I run over to a tree and touch it.

Earth. We all took it for granted when there wasn't a nuclear apocalypse to destroy all life, and now we're back and hopefully we won't make the same mistakes.

I compelled the council to make us land near Mount Weather, Virginia. It's actually pretty close to Mystic Falls. I spot Clarke and Wells looking at a map and a mountain, so I walk over there.

"What's wrong?" I ask them making them jump.

They turn to me, "Victoria, you weren't in the sky box so how are you here?" Wells asks me.

"I heard about the council sending y'all here, so I hitched a ride since they had extra seats," I lie smoothly.

They both nod, still looking at me wearily, "they dropped us on the wrong mountain," Clarke says. "That," she points at a mountain, "is Mount Weather."

"I'd day we're about twenty miles off," I look up at the sun, "and we're to the west of it." I say the last part to myself. Mystic Falls is to the north of Mount Weather. Maybe my brothers got into the bunker at the mountain. They could have easily compelled themselves a spot there, but there probably wasn't enough time.

I walk off, leaving them to their own thing and go towards the woods. Murphy passes by me as he makes his way towards Clarke and Wells, but stops when he sees me. "Where do you think you're going?"

"For a walk, I'm probably not coming back tonight," I say.

He raises an eyebrow at me, "we don't know what are in those woods."

Good thing that I do know.

"Since you care about my safety, why don't you come along with me?" I know he'll say no and leave me alone now.

He nods, "we'll leave tonight after everyone goes to sleep." And then he walks away.

My jaw drops and I spin around to look at him. Why would he be willing to walk in the woods with a complete stranger?

He starts messing with Wells, drawing a crowd over there. Apparently, Clarke and Wells are planning on taking people to Mount Weather to get food. I would say something about the bunker probably being used to house the rich people that could get there in time, but I don't. It'll be good if they have food, cause if these kids die, then I have no food.

Unless I use the Stefan diet and manage to find a bunny.

I sneak into the dropship and start digging through everything. I'm hoping to find another map so that it doesn't look suspicous to Murphy. I know exactly where I want to go, but now I'm going to have to make a few turns that lengthen our trip.

Compulsion [J. Murphy]Where stories live. Discover now