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harry awoke on a marshmallow, his shoulder swelling in pain.

"agh," he grunted as harry tried to sit up.

"stahp whining. i didn't poke you that hard." harry looked up to see a beautiful unicorn standing above him. "but i'm bleeding," he argued, unconcerned whether he was hallucinating or not.

the unicorn rolled its eyes and turned towards the sky. harry looked at its long silver hair and shiny hooves, admiring its spiraling three-foot-long horn. he tried to stand once again, but moaned when he felt a sharp pain burst from his forgotten wound. the unicorn looked back down at harry and glared. "what did i say about that whining?" he frowned. harry grunted in response. the unicorn shook his head and pressed its horn against harry's wound.

harry heard a beautiful sound and was suddenly blinded by a bright white light. the pain from his shoulder disappeared, and the world reappeared again in front of him. he sat up and stared dumbfoundedly at his unharmed shoulder. "wh-what happened?" he asked the unicorn, who stood poised towards the sky again.

"my name is nightwind," he said without looking at harry.

"well, it's a pleasure to meet you. i'm harry."

nightwind sighed deeply. "i know."

harry knitted his eyebrows together in confusion, then realized something.

"wait," he said. "if you could cure me that easily, then why did you stab me in the first place?"

"the magic from a unicorn's horn is the only thing that can transport a human into harmony city."

harry nodded, even though he was still confused. "and harmony city is...?"


"ah." harry looked around at the pink fluffy marshmallows floating around him. "nice place."

"it is," nightwind agreed.

"so you just come up to random people and stab them?" harry wondered aloud.

"no. well, kind of," the unicorn responded.

harry raised his eyebrows at nightwind, who sighed in return. sassy, he thought.

nightwind glared deep into harry's eyes. "watch it. unicorns can read minds."

"what? oh, please. i've never heard that before."

"how else do you think unicorns can tell if people are lying?" he snapped.

harry gulped. recovering himself, he asked, "is this a dream?"


harry cursed under his breath.

nightwind sighed once again. harry noticed that he does that a lot. "you're even more childish than aiuno said you were," nightwind said to harry.

"who's ai-"

"but you were brought here for a reason."

"and that reason is...?" harry asked.

"you'll find put soon enough." harry was about to interject but was distracted by a bridge of colors hidden behind a few clouds above. "look," harry pointed upward. "a rainbow!"

nightwind arched his head back and stared at the rainbow with intent eyes. he pushed harry to standing position with the tip of his horn and motioned for harry to follow him. "come," he said. "the dauntless jury is waiting, and we have a long way to walk."


unicorns [harry styles]Where stories live. Discover now