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nightwind and harry stood in front of aiuno silently. harry did not want to go back home; he felt as if he was somehow connected to this place. maybe it was the marshmallows. maybe it was the rainbows. harry wasn't sure what it was. all he knew was that he couldn't help the tears fall from his face as nightwind said his goodbye.

everything was all set for harry to be sent back home, but just as aiuno started to dip his horn into the potion that would awaken the comatose harry in england, suki trampled through the doors of the room.

aiuno tries his best to keep his cool as the still-drunk princess makes her way towards his side of the room. nightwind and harry stare at her in horror once again. suki wobbles towards the seats on the right side of aiuno. she climbs up the steps and starts to sit in the seat behind her. being a clumsy, fat, and - not to mention - drunk idiot, suki missed the seat, and, instead, sat on a loaded spear-shooter.

everything from there happened in slow motion.

the long, arrow-headed spear glided through the air silently, never faulting its course as it came straight towards nightwind. without hesitation, harry jumped in front of the spear to protect his friend.

time finally redeemed itself, and harry fell to the ground, the spear stuck between his ribs. nightwind and aiuno rushed over, and harry groaned, breathing heavily.

"you-you saved me," nightwind stuttered, confused and surprised at the same time. "harry, i could have easily bee healed. why would you do such a thing?"

harry shrugged, then groaned again. "well, i can be healed easily, too. it's happened before." he grinned cheekily at nightwind despite the pain he was experiencing. "and, besides, i would do anything for my friends. wouldn't you?"

nightwind was, again, speechless. no one had ever done something like this for him before, but a human- a human - had known him for one day and was willing to sacrifice his own life for nightwind.

nightwind had never been more grateful than he was then. he smiled at harry, who was now having trouble breathing.

" um, are you ever gonna, like, heal me?" harry asked in gasps.

"oh, sorry." nightwind pulled the spear from harry's stomach and dipped his horn to harry's wound. harry heard the same music he heard when nightwind had healed his shoulder the day before and was, once again, blinded by a bright light. he regained his sight after a few seconds, and the blood and pain disappeared.

"thank you," he said to nightwind, who shook his head.

"no. thank you."


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