Camp. Chapter 11.

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"captain dean" tsukishima said a little surprised as they turned around to see dean, buster, Harley, sunny and taka standing ready to fight. "we heard about a monster nest along your way and came to help since it was only reported in after you left" dean said with worry and yamaguchi just looked to the burning building next to them. "you took down a whole nest already on your own" taka asked shocked. "well yamaguchi did most of the work and he kinda guessed where the nest was" hinata said with a small smile. "how, the report only came in after your unit left" Harley said worried. "we not sure either but thanks to him we didnt get attacked" kageyma said proudly.

"well I'm glad your all ok, we be joining you for the rest of your mission since the nest was gonna be a big deal but I guess its not now" sunny said with a small smile. "thank you for coming to help us, when we were in danger" yachi said with a bright smile. "no worries you do the same" buster smiled. "we better get going before night comes" yamaguchi said and everyone nodded. 

"dose this count as your unit first mission" kageyma asked as the two units walked. "yep as long as we all live during this mission when we return we be full soldiers" sunny said a little excited. "that be so cool, that means we all be real soldiers together" hinata said with a grin. "well you guys will still hold the first unit to go on a mission sadly but it be cool to become real soldiers together" Harley said with a grin. "I wonder what type of missions we get after this one" yachi said with a smile. "probably hard ones or fighting's ones since our two units have the best fighters" taka said with a smile. 

"he just burned the next with a thought" dean said shocked as he, tsukishima and buster walked near the back. "yeah he didnt even say anything when we all delt unconfutable about hearing the monsters cries" tsukishima said with worry. "well have you talked to him about it, maybe something happened in the past or he doing the dirty part so you guys didnt have the guilt on your hands" buster said with a small worried smile. "we should reach the camp early in the morning" yamaguchi yelled from ahead and the two captains nodded. 

"I know yamaguchi hides everything from others but you should have seen his eyes, he wasn't the yamaguchi I knew" tsukishima said with a frown. "well you said all his family in the army right, maybe after you got sent to soldier school he was put though hell" buster said with a frown. "yeah must soldier families train their children differently then other families who just send one kid away" dean said and tsukishima nodded. 


"hello I'm captain tsukishima and this is my unit to pick up the report" tsukishima yelled but the camp gate and a couple soldiers from inside opened it up. "I'm captain dean and this is my unit, we here to help captain tsukishima" dean said and the camp soldiers nodded. 

"what happened here" hinata asked with worry as their were injured soldiers all over the place. "I knew it was a first aid camp but it looked like their was a crazy battle inside" kageyma said shocked. "I didnt expect to see so much injured" yachi said with tears and hid behind kageyma and hinata so no one saw her cry. 

"buster, lets see if we can help in anyway" yamaguchi yelled as he started to run over to a camp medic. "yeah its looks like they need a hand" buster sighed and ran over. 

"was their anything about a big battle lately" taka asked with worry. "nothing I know about, this is just a normal first aid camp I think" sunny said with a frown. "I knew fighting monster would be hard but dose this really happen so often" Harley said shocked by how some dead bodies was just left. 

"have you heard from yamaguchi" hinata said with worry since they been inside the camp for a couple hours now and not seen the freckled boy since he ran to help and tsukishima just shook his head. "they want us to help patrol around the area later to make sure no monsters are sneaking close, should we go without him" yachi said with worry. "we cant what if we get attack or need a medic, I'm sure he come back before we leave" kageyma said as the two units sat by a small fire. "we seen buster and told him to tell yamaguchi about the patrol but we not seen him since either" sunny said with worry. "I wonder if we want to see them if they been helping out all the injured, we dont know what they seen" Harley said with worry. "yeah and they wont be able to change their uniform, I wonder if they be able to get use to the blood smell" taka said with a frown. 

"I'm sure yamaguchi doing well, if he couldn't handle looking after so many injured then the medics would have kicked him out" dean said with a small smile. "I know he can handle It but I'm scared he might not be the same after seeing what happens in battle" tsukishima said worried and just looked at the burning fire. 

"did we make it, your not left for patrol right" buster yelled as he came running with yamaguchi behind him, both medics had blood over their uniform and arms. "no your on time, we being leaving in a couple minutes, how are the soldiers" dean asked with a small smile and buster frowned. "yama" tsukishima said as he noticed his friend eyes water a little. "I'm fine tsukki dont worry, we lost five soldiers today and we still got many injured soldiers waiting to be sent home but the pick up truck wont come until the end of the week and another couple will die before then" yamaguchi said holding back his tears and tsukishima hugged him so he could die. "leg go tsukki, I'm covered in blood the smell will stick to you" yamaguchi said with worry but tsukishima yelled him tighter. "I dont care, just let me hold you" tsukishima said with a gentle voice and yamaguchi hugged him back. 

"need a hug" dean said with a grin and opened his arms to buster. "I didnt see them die, I was looking after the injured who would mostly survive and just needed new bandages" buster said with his arms crossed. "but I'm sure hearing the bad news made you wanna cry, come have a hug" dean grinned and moved closer. "I rather hug the injured then you" buster said with a grin and dean hugged him anyways. 

"captain tsukishima and captain dean, please head out to patrol" a soldier yelled and the two captains nodded. "I guess we see you after patrol, dont be killed" dean said with a smirk since the two units would patrol different areas. "my unit badass, like we die" tsukishima said with a smirk. 


"its a little spooky to be patrolling at night" yachi said a little scared. "yeah isn't it dangerous to patrol at night since we wont be able to see a midnight until its to late" hinata said scared. "that why we patrolling at night becuase they probably be sleeping now and we need to take down any big numbers of monster" kageyma said as they walked. "dont worry the area dont have many hidings spots for monsters and should be easy to kill before they notice we here" yamaguchi said with a small smile. "lets just stay alert and not become like the other soldiers in camp" tsukishima said annoyed. 

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