Friends. Chapter 5.

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"am i in hell" tsukishima frowned as he stood against the wall with the rest of his unit and Yamaguchi leaning on him. "no tsukki, if this was hell your be on the throne and the devil would be crying" yamaguchi sighed with a small smile as the rest giggled.

"i cant tell if your brave or stupid yamaguchi" kageyma said with a straight face since yamaguchi the only one who can insult or joke like that over tsukishima. "dont you dare call my yama stupid, he very clever" tsukishima warned and wrapped his arms around yamaguchi while glaring at kageyma. "i dont know why your complaining so much, you see yamaguchi after our half day, you lasted years without seeing him when you thought he was home safe" yachi said with a small smile. "that was different, i thought yamaguchi was safe and i could protect him from monsters but now he here in hell with me, i dont trust these soldiers or other medics around him and so he should just stay by my side" tsukishima hissed at the others and still not letting go of the now blushing yamaguchi in his arms. "we be fighting with these soldiers often in battle outside the walls and some medics will be helping us out as well, I'm sure yamaguchi is going to be fine for half a day with training while we stuck here" hinata smiled and the other two nodded with him.

"i be fine tsukki, if anything happens i tell you but i need to stand up for myself and become stronger by myself" yamaguchi said with a smile and held both of tsukishima hands in his while looking into the tall blonde eyes. "I'm gonna be fine, so please do well at getting along with the others soldiers in different units" Yamaguchi smiled and tsukishima sighed. "fine but how am i gonna last two hours of chatting to the older unit soldiers and try to become friends with other units for joint up missions, I'm not a people person" tsukishima frowned since he really didnt want to waste two hours trying to act nice and kind to make friends with other soldiers. "that true, we form a unit with him because there was no one else and the girls wanted him since he scored number 1 in the first week and was seen as hot but he attitude was horrible and pushed the class away" hinata said with a worry.

"yeah it took us half of the first year just to make him acknowledge us and put up with us but he was still salty, mean and rude to us and everyone else up till the point you came" yachi said with a small worried smile. "actually he might treat us a little better then others but he still rude and salty to us, he only nice to yamaguchi" kageyma said and yamaguchi smiled. "tsukki you need to be kinder to others, promise me to make friend with at least one unit before the medics get let out to mingle with you soldiers and get to know some soldiers" yamaguchi smiled. "fine but only one unit, no more" tsukishima pouted and yamaguchi giggled. "sure, i better get going, have fun everyone and i see you in a couple hours, i believe in you tsukki" yamaguchi smiled and waved as he ran over to the medic meeting point. 


"now i want everyone to pair up in twos for the two hours training, we be going over where your medic bags and equipment will be kept in camp while your not on missions" a captain yelled and the medics slowly starting chatting and forming pairs of two without a problem. "i can do this, tsukki trying his best to make friends, so should i" yamaguchi whisper to himself but was shaking from nerves making a boy behind him laugh. 

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